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近年来由于耕作制度的改革、栽培技术的提高等多种原因,粘虫Mythimna separata(Wa-lker)发生频率增高。粘虫在桂西生活史和天敌,过去没有研究,科研资料也未见过报道。1979—1981年,本所饲养观察各世代幼虫、蛹期寄生性天敌,现将结果整理报道如下。 一、粘虫生活史的观察 (一)观察方法 1979年11月野外采集大量蛹,置于大养虫笼(笼宽8米,高2米)内的虫盅中,以土保湿,让其羽化。羽化时把枯黄禾叶扎成束状,倒挂笼壁四周,让其产卵,逐天检查枯叶上的卵块,并剪除编号,以观察其孵化期。 In recent years, Mythimna separata (Wa-lker) occurs more frequently due to various reasons, such as the reform of farming system and the improvement of cultivation techniques. Mythimna separata in Guangxi life history and natural enemies, in the past there is no research, research materials have not been reported. 1979-1981, the observation of the stocking larvae and pupal parasites of natural enemies, the results are reported below. First, the observation of MythimnaIl life history (A) observation method November 1979 a large number of pupa collected in the wild, placed in a large cage (8 meters wide, 2 meters high) in the insect cup to soil moisture, let it Feathering. Feather when the yellow leaves into a bunch of brown, upside down cage wall around, let spawn, check the dead leaves on a daily basis, and cut off the number to observe its incubation period.
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本文阐述了玉米螟(ostrinia,fnrnaculis Gu Gueneē)大量人工饲养中容器改进,防止杂菌污染;染色标记和改进饲料,降低成本等方面的研究情况。改进后的养虫盒约饲养幼虫1000头,