
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rhetthusida
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The results obtained from the measurements of cotmterion association degree using ion selective electrode with improved experiment techinique and equation for CTMAB micelle system are in accordance with that calculated by electrochemical theory of micelle. The study also show that the externally added KBr concentration have no effects on the counterion association degree of thecelle and KBr are unnecessary for the determination of counterion association degree in the CTMAB concentration rannge of Ct<4CMC. Addition of hexanol decreases counterion association degree in CTMAB micelle systems. The results obtained from the measurements of cotmterion association degree using ion selective electrode with improved experiment techinique and equation for CTMAB micelle system are in accordance with that calculated by electrochemical theory of micelle. The study also show that the externally added KBr concentration with no effects on the counterion association degree of thecelle and KBr are unnecessary for the determination of counterion association degree in the CTMAB concentration rannge of Ct <4CMC. Addition of hexanol reduction counter association association in CTMAB micelle systems.
Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury can lead to severe brain injury.Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta is known to be involved in myocardial ischemia/reperfusio
《中国近代学术史论》是朱维铮先生编辑《中国近代学术名著》丛书时为各书写的导言加上相关论文的结集,曾名《求索真文明》。这次再增订若干文章,集为一册,以飨读者,兼怀斯人。一九九六年,上海古籍出版社曾以《求索真文明:晚清学术史论》为题,首次结集出版朱师的这部心血之作。而朱师自己更愿意用《晚清学术史论》为题,这次再结集,尊了他的本意。  回想起上世纪八十年代,朱师每天守在书斋,编辑《中国文化研究集刊》、《
七○三研究所地处北国冰城,是从事舰用动力设备研制的研究所,长期封闭,养在深闺人不识。改革开放后,七○三人坐不住了,早已利用自身优势在市场经济的大潮中一试身手。 闻雪