Mathematical morphology by a defocused convolver with coded aperture

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytollen
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An optoelectronic system is constructed to implement mathematical morphological operations, which is based on optical neighborhood connection by a defocused convolver of coded aperture and electronic thresholding by a PC computer. Theoretical considera tions are given, the operations such as erosion, dilation, opening, closing and edge detection are displayed experimentally. An optoelectronic system is constructed to implement mathematical morphological operations, which is based on optical neighborhood connection by a defocused convolver of coded aperture and electronic thresholding by a PC computer. Theoretical considera tions are given, the operations such as erosion, dilation, opening, closing and edge detection are displayed experimentally.
在Photokina上可看到已商品化的PapillonColour Laboratories Auto-Mast系统,它是完全独特的影像放大工艺。通过硬化一种特殊研制的光色玻璃,立即得到准确的对原底片每个部
水龙头在长期使用过程中,很容易出现旋杆打滑现象,水龙头关不住。如在旋杆1沉孔底部垫上橡胶垫2,增加了旋杆1螺旋部位长度,避免了旋杆打滑现象,可长期使用,效果很好。 Fauc
(A) 1993年10月在武汉召开的第五届全国工程爆破学术会议的论文集二卷,论文163篇,115万字,反映了我国近年来的爆破新成就,内容包括:爆破理论、爆破技术、爆破器材、爆破安全
In this paper we proposes a new concept of annular-focus zone lens and its design procedure based on binary optics. An investigation of the diffraction efficie
电解原理及其应用是中学化学的重要内容,也是近几年高考命题的热点知识,为了更好的学习这一内容,下面将其解题技巧总结如下。  一、电解的原理  1.电解定义:在电流作用下,电解质在两个电极上分别发生氧化反应和还原反应的过程。  2.能量转化形式:电能转化为化学能。  3.电解池:(1)构成条件:  a.有与电源相连的两个电极。b.电解质溶液(或熔融盐)。c.形成闭合回路。  (2)电极名称及电极反应式
一、面临的严峻形势中国是世界大豆的主产国之一 ,产量居世界前列 ,是传统的出口创汇产品。从20世纪50年代以来 ,中国一直是大豆的净出口国 ,还曾是世界上最大的大豆净出口国
用~(35)S标记的RNA-RNA原位杂交技术,在鸡胚组织中观察到vigilin mRNA在骨母细胞中含量较高,随骨母细胞成熟为骨细胞而显著减少。在软骨细胞不同分化阶段,增生区(后期)及肥大