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许多中小型水电站往往由于电网电压偏高(发电机400V出线达到了440V~460V,发电机6300V出线达到了6700~7000V)、变压器选择不合理或发电机本身设计制造的原因而引起发电机发出的无功严重不足,功率因数cosΦ有时高达O.9~0.98。当电站发出的无功不足时,电力部门会对其进行罚款,这就严重地影响了电站的经济效益。我们接待了许多此类用户, Many small and medium-sized hydropower stations are often caused by high voltage grid (generator 400V outlet reached 440V ~ 460V, generator 6300V outlet reached 6700 ~ 7000V), the transformer selection is unreasonable or the design and manufacture of the generator itself caused by the generator Serious lack of reactive power, power factor cosΦ sometimes up to O.9 ~ 0.98. When the power station issued less than reactive power, the power sector will be fined, which seriously affected the economic benefits of the station. We have hosted many of these users,
D-ribose is a unique, 5-carbon sugar that occurs naturally in all living cells. D-ribose has been used as a staring material for preparation of some certain med
1 腐蚀情况简介 北京燕山石化公司炼油厂的第二套糠醛精制设备自1990年投入运用以来,脱水塔107发生多次腐蚀泄漏,严重影响了生产的正常进行。为了解决这一腐蚀问题,我们在19
The intermolecular reductive cyclization of o-nitrobenzene-sulfonamides with aliphatic ketones induced by TiCl4/Sm system was studied and a series of 3,3-disub
LC-ESI-MS method was used to analyze the formed di-and tri-peptide hi the reaction system of N-(O,O-diisopropyl)phosphoryl aspartic acid and adenosine.Ouster i
The chemiluminescence reactions between lucigenin and reductants such as M o(III),V(II ), U(III), W(III), C r(II ), T i(III) and Fe(II ), which were produced on