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今年一季度,由于国际市场的拉动以及世界银行招标项目进入实质性操作阶段,我国拖拉机出口有了较大幅度的增长。据机械工业拖拉机行业统计学会的统计资料表明,一季度拖拉机行业共实现出口交货值15293万元,同比增长47.4%,呈现小拖小增、大拖大增的特点。 手扶拖拉机增长两成。一季度10个手拖生产企业共实现出口交货值8540万元,同比 In the first quarter of this year, China’s tractor exports witnessed a substantial increase due to the pull of the international market and the bidding project of the World Bank entering a substantive operation stage. Statistics from the Machinery Industry Tractor Industry Statistics Institute show that in the first quarter, the tractor industry realized a total export delivery value of 152.93 million yuan, an increase of 47.4% over the same period of the previous year, showing the characteristics of small trains and small increases and large tracts. Walking tractors increased by 20%. In the first quarter, a total of 10 hand-trailer manufacturers achieved an export delivery value of 85.4 million yuan, up from the same period of last year
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。China’s Crude Imports and Exports in 1~(st) of 2001
本文意在以“译”为中心,对字典释义和相关学者的观点进行阐述比较,提出了一些自己的见解和思考。 This article is intended to “translation ” as the center, explain
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