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【裁判要旨】房地产开发企业以出让方式取得国有土地使用权的,必须按土地使用权出让合同约定的用途、动工开发期限开发土地。经规划主管部门同意改变土地建设用途、开发建设商业用房并已交付买受人占有的,应报经土地行政主管部门同意并报原批准用地的人民政府批准,按商业性质用地标准向土地使用权出让方补缴土地出让金后,履行向买受人交付房屋占地范围内商业性质的国有土地使用权义务并承担迟延履行的违约责任。 Referee motto Real estate development enterprises to obtain the state-owned land use right transfer, must be based on the land use right transfer contract for the purpose, to start the development of the development of land. Where the competent planning authority agrees to change the use of land for development, construction and construction of commercial buildings and has already been handed over to the buyer, it shall be reported to the land administration for approval and submitted to the people’s government for approval of the original land use, After the transferor repays the land transfer fees, the transferor shall perform the obligation of providing the buyer the right to use state-owned land of commercial nature within the scope of the house and bear the liability for breach of contract for delay.
上期我们就中学生出国留学的情况进行了概括性介绍。从本期开始,我们将陆续对一些适合中学生留学的国家及院校进行介绍。 In the previous period, we gave a general intro
For a long time, oral disease is one of the major problems of the public health for its high prevalence and incidence throughout the world, which is especially
近年来发现嗜神经性生长是胰腺癌的独立预后指标。本文对胰腺癌的发生机制及相关因素作一复习 ,并简述其相应的治疗措施。 In recent years, neurotropic growth has been f