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党的十五大从全局和战略的高度,提出了依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的治国方略,体现了我们党在治国理论和治国实践上的重大突破,标志着我国治国方式的根本性转变依法治国的内涵十分丰富,而加强监督,健全监督机制,促进和保障国家权力依法正确行使,则是其基本要求和根本目的在实施依法治国方略的过程中,必须重视监督工作,逐步建立健全对权力运行的制约机制一、监督的重要性 At the height of overall situation and strategy, the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the strategy of running the country according to law and building a socialist country governed by the rule of law, which embodied our party’s major breakthroughs in the theory of governing the state and in the practice of governing the country, and marked the fundamental transformation of our country’s governing style. The connotation of governing the country according to law is very rich. Strengthening supervision, perfecting the supervision mechanism, and promoting and safeguarding the correct exercise of state power in accordance with the law are the basic requirements and fundamental purposes. In the process of implementing the strategy of governing the country according to law, we must attach importance to supervision and gradually establish a sound Restrictive mechanism of power operation First, the importance of supervision
AIM To investigate the prevalence and association of Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) with end-stage renal disease(ESRD).METHODS SA comprehensive literature searc
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为庆祝中俄建交60周年,应俄中友协邀请,大连市人大常委会副主任鞠文华率大连市青少年艺术代表团于3月25日赴俄罗斯参加系列庆祝和交流活动。  拜会俄中友协主席。3月26日,代表团拜会了俄中友协主席季塔连科。季塔连科主席展望了俄中两国发展友好关系的前景,并表示俄罗斯人民对大连怀有特殊感情,赞叹大连所取得的成就,认为俄罗斯应该借鉴中国的成功经验。  参加第6届“开放的欧洲”莫斯科国际青少年艺术创作节。“