Biogeography and ecological niche evolution in Diapensiaceae inferred from phylogenetic analysis

来源 :植物分类学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whxust
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Diapensiaceae (Ericales) are a small family of about 15 species.Within this clade,two species are broadly distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere,whereas the remaining species have a disjunct distribution between eastern North America and eastern Asia.To address patterns and processes of diversification in Diapensiaceae,we conducted biogeographic analyses and inferred shifts in the ecological niche across the phylogeny of the clade.Although Diapensiaceae have been the focus of multiple phylogenetic and biogeographic studies,previous studies have been taxonomically limited.This study has greatly improved the phylogenetic underpinning for Diapensiaceae with the most inclusive taxonomic sampling thus far,employing both nuclear and plastid gene sequence data for at least one sample per species in the family.Our estimates indicate that genera of Diapensiaceae variously diverged in the Eocene,Oligocene,and early to mid-Miocene.The biogeographic analysis suggests that the probable ancestor of the Diapensiaceae crown clade originated in the Nearctic,with vicariance events contributing to the current distribution of the disjunct taxa.Ecological niche,when considered in a phylogenetic context,was observed to be clustered on the basis of biogeographic realm.In general,a greater ecological overlap was found at younger nodes and a greater niche divergence was found among distantly related species.Diversification in Diapensiaceae appears to have been shaped by both large-scale biogeographic factors,such as vicariance,and divergence in an ecological niche among closely related species.
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[摘 要] 科举制肇始于隋代,经唐、宋、元、明,废止于清末,历时1300余年。“科举”是我国封建社会中后期主要的选官制度,比此前以宗法血缘关系为纽带的“世卿世禄制”及个人色彩极浓的察举、征辟、讲究门第的九品中正制等选官制无疑进步许多。通过对贫寒子弟苦读成名的列举,分析科举制度对社会流动的贡献以及造成社会上“读书至上”的风气,这些都与科举制度息息相关。  [关 键 词] 科举;社会流动;读书至上  