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在高职教育飞速发展过程中,对教师队伍的管理有了更高的要求,而“双师型”教师队伍更加缺乏。当前高职院校的青年教师中普遍存在缺乏社会经验、实践经历的现象,本文将对高职院校“双师型”师资队伍存在的问题进行浅析,并探索加强“双师型”师资队伍的管理对策。 In the rapid development of higher vocational education, there is a higher demand for the management of the teaching staff, and the shortage of “double-qualified teachers” ranks. At present, there is a common phenomenon of lack of social experience and practical experience among young teachers in higher vocational colleges. This article will analyze the problems existing in the teaching staff of “double-qualified teachers” in higher vocational colleges and explore ways to strengthen double- Type "management team of faculty.
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