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11月9日,在瑞士日内瓦举行的世界卫生大会特别会议通过世界卫生组织执行委员会提名,选举中方候选人、原世界卫生组织助理总干事、香港特区前卫生署长陈冯富珍女士为世界卫生组织新任总干事。这是中国首次提名竞选并成功当选联合国专门机构最高领导职位。激烈竞争中脱颖而出本次选举共有来自中国、日本、墨西哥、冰岛、科威特、芬兰、莫 On November 9th, the special meeting of the World Health Assembly held in Geneva, Switzerland, was nominated by the World Health Organization Executive Committee. Election of the Chinese candidate, the former Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization and the former Director of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ms. Margaret Chan, as the new World Health Organization Director-General. This is the first time that China has nominated for the election and has been successfully elected to the top position of the United Nations specialized agency. Stand out from the fierce competition This election came from China, Japan, Mexico, Iceland, Kuwait, Finland, Mo.
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新闻背景:为了进一步加强市政府与社会公众的联系沟通,倾听民意、体察民情、问计于民,某市轰轰烈烈地在全市搞起了“市民月”、“市长热线周”活动。 News background: In o
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