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2月17日,中国政府网公布《国务院关于推进物联网有序健康发展的指导意见》,提出到2015年,突破一批核心技术,初步形成物联网产业体系。为实现目标,将加强财税政策扶持、完善投融资政策,鼓励金融资本、风险投资及民间资本投向物联网应用和产业发展。物联网是新一代信息技术的高度集成和综合运用,具有渗透性强、带动作用大、综合效益好的特点,推进物联网的应用和发展,有利于促进生产生活和社会管理方式向智能化、精细化、网络化方向转变,对于提高国民经济和社会生活信息化水平,提升社会管理和公共服务水平,带动相关学科发展和技术创新能力增 On February 17, the government website of China announced the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Orderly and Healthy Development of the Internet of Things. It proposes that by 2015, a number of core technologies will be broken through and the Internet of Things industry system will be initially formed. To achieve the goal, fiscal and taxation policies will be strengthened and investment and financing policies will be perfected to encourage financial capital, venture capital and private capital to invest in Internet of Things applications and industrial development. Internet of Things is a new generation of highly integrated and integrated use of information technology, with strong permeability, leading a large, comprehensive and good characteristics, promote the application and development of Internet of Things, is conducive to promoting production and social management to intelligent, Meticulous and network-oriented. It is of great value in enhancing the informatization level of the national economy and social life, enhancing the level of social management and public service, and promoting the development of related disciplines and technological innovation.
导语即课堂教学的开场白,是教师在正式讲课文之前,用来引入新课、启发诱导学生的话。恰当巧妙的运用导语,能够迅速吸引学生的注意力,激发其求知欲,使其兴趣盎然地投入到新知识的怀抱,使课堂教学效果事半功倍。  导语设计秉承实用性、趣味性、精炼性的原则,贴近学生的生活和认知水平,从而精心构思,巧妙设计。  一、情境导入法  1.歌曲导入  在进入新课之前,可以根据课文内容播放一首歌曲,也可以让学生跟着学唱,
在发展或贫困的国家中 ,寻租的普遍存在使得稀缺的社会资源配置缺乏效率 ,从而使经济发展丧失激励机制。在这些国家中 ,阻碍经济发展的主要原因不是缺乏资金、人才、技术、资
2001年12月4日至6日,值诺贝尔奖颁发百年之际,诺贝尔基金会以“行为与实验经济学”(Behavioral and Experimental Economics)作为主题举办了经济学奖项的“诺贝尔奖百年论坛
Objective To understand the HIV/IDS knowledge level and its influential factors among reproductive men in China so as to provide scientific evidence for prevent