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西安拥有较为丰厚的自然与历史文化资源,包括了以秦岭为代表的自然景观和以周秦汉唐为主要历史时期的文化形态,将为旅游产业的持续发展带来强劲的动力。其特有的自然、历史文化资源可以用来进行特定旅游纪念产品的设计与开发。而西安特色纪念产品开发设计在现有市场中落后于旅游产业的整体发展,现有市场上的产品功能类型单一、品质与质量也相对较低,缺乏品牌经营意识。改变现有状况就要站在世界的格局上去需求具有本土特点且具有原创精神与文化内涵的设计产品,,在满足游客的心理需求同时也要对纪念产品功能属性提出更高的要求。西安特色旅游产品的开发设计应由其设计策略为原点,应从社会营销的角度定位其产品,不仅要考虑到其特有的造型美感,还要顾及到其是否能满足特定的功能需求。 Xi’an has abundant natural and historical and cultural resources, including the natural landscape represented by the Qinling Mountains and the cultural patterns with the main historical periods of Qin, Han, and Tang dynasties. Xi’an will bring strong impetus to the sustainable development of the tourism industry. Its unique natural, historical and cultural resources can be used to carry out a specific tourism product design and development. However, the design and development of Xi’an memorial product lags behind the overall development of the tourism industry in the existing market. The products on the existing market have a single type of function, relatively low quality and quality, and lack of awareness of brand management. It is necessary to change the existing situation to stand on the pattern of the world and demand the design products with local characteristics and original spirit and cultural connotation. In meeting the psychological needs of tourists, we must also put forward higher requirements on the functional attributes of the commemorative products. The design and development of Xi’an characteristic tourism products should be based on its design strategy. Its products should be positioned from the perspective of social marketing. It not only needs to consider its unique aesthetic beauty, but also whether it can meet specific functional requirements.
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