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李建国,1946年4月生,山东鄄城人。山东大学中文系汉语言文学专业毕业,大学文化。1971年6月加入中国共产党。1969年9月参加工作。先后在天津市宁河善文教局,中共天津市宁河县委宣传部,天津市农委宣传处,中共天津市委办公厅工作。1981年4月起,历任中共天津市委办公厅办公室副主任,天津市委办公厅副主任、主任,天津市委副秘书长兼办公厅主任,市委秘书长。1991年9月任中共天津市委常委、秘书长,中共天津市和平区委书记。1992年8月起任中共天津市委副书记。1997年8月任中共陕西省委书记。1998年1月当选为陕西省人大常委会主任。1998年5月在中共陕西省第九届委员会第一次全体会议上当选陕西省委书记。2002年5月在中共陕西省第十届委员会第一次全体会议上再次当选中共陕西省委书记,2003年1月再次当选为陕西省人大常委会主任。2007年3月任中共山东省委书记。是中共十四届中央候补委员,十五届,十六届中央委员。 Li Jianguo, born in April 1946, Juancheng people in Shandong. Shandong University Chinese Department of Chinese language and literature graduate, university culture. In 1971 June to join the Chinese Communist Party. September 1969 to work. He successively worked in Tianjin Ninghe Shanwen Education Bureau, Propaganda Department of Ninghe CPC Committee of Tianjin Municipality, Propaganda Office of Tianjin Agriculture Committee and CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee. Since April 1981, he has served successively as Deputy Director of Office of General Office of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Director and Director of General Office of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary General of Tianjin Municipal Committee and Director General of Municipal Committee and Secretary General of Municipal Party Committee. In September 1991, he served as the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, Secretary General, Tianjin Peace Committee. August 1992 served as deputy secretary of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee. In 1997 August the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Party committee secretary. January 1998 was elected director of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress. In May 1998, Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary was elected at the first plenary session of the Ninth Committee of Shaanxi Province. In May 2002, at the first plenary session of the 10th CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee, he was re-elected as secretary of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee. In January 2003, he was re-elected as the director of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress. In 2007 March the CPC Shandong provincial party committee secretary. It is an alternate member of the 14th CPC Central Committee, a member of the 15th CPC Central Committee and a member of the 16th Central Committee.
溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是一种慢性非特异性的肠道炎症性疾病,其发病主要与宿主遗传、肠道免疫、肠道菌群等相关。白细胞介素-33 (interleukin-33,IL-33)是近十余年发现的一个新的白介素1家族的分子,它可参与调节肠道免疫、肠道菌群、肠上皮细胞损伤等。深入研究IL-33在UC中的作用,将为认识UC的发生发展提供更全面的认识,并为UC的治疗提供新的靶点。