Feasibility Analysis on the Integrated Application of Solar Energy, Biogas, Coal-fired Boiler and Ra

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuweiyangking
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The feasibility of adopting a balanced energy mix mode (domestic solar energy, biogas, coal-fired boiler and radiant floor heating) was proposed. Taking a typical rural residence in Zhengzhou City for example, the study through theoretical analysis and calculation showed that such a balanced energy mix is an economic way and efficient in saving energy and reducing air pollution, and elaborated the theoretical feasibility of popularizing such a heat supply mode in rural areas. The feasibility of adopting a balanced energy mix mode (domestic solar energy, biogas, coal-fired boiler and radiant floor heating) was proposed. Taking a typical rural residence in Zhengzhou City for example, the study through theoretical analysis and calculation showed that such a balanced energy mix is ​​an economic way and efficient in saving energy and reducing air pollution, and elaborated the theory feasibility of popularizing such a heat supply mode in rural areas.
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