
来源 :中国体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsw12345ok
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The IOC Sponsor Advisory Group (SAG), headed by Gerhard Heiberg, Chairman of the IOC Marketing Commission, paid a visit to Beijing from October 21 to 24 and said that they were keen to establish a close and cooperative relationship with the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG).Jiang Xiaoyu, Vice President of BOCOG, briefed the IOC SAG on Beijing s overall preparations for the 2008 Olympics, saying all work is progressing according to the plan without a hitch.On behalf of the IOC SAG, Heiberg expressed the eagerness to establish a close and cooperative relationship with BOCOG. The IOC Sponsor Advisory Group (SAG), headed by Gerhard Heiberg, Chairman of the IOC Marketing Commission, paid a visit to Beijing from October 21 to 24 and said that they were keen to establish a close and cooperative relationship with the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG). Jiang Xiaoyu, Vice President of BOCOG, briefed the IOC SAG on Beijing s overall preparations for the 2008 Olympics, saying all work is progressing according to the plan without a hitch. On behalf of the IOC SAG, Heiberg expressed the eagerness to establish a close and cooperative relationship with BOCOG.
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In order to analyze the factors influencing sandstone mechanical compaction and its physical property evolution during compaction processes, simulation experime