A novel image block cryptosystem based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system and a chaotic neural netwo

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my888162
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In this paper, we propose a novel block cryptographic scheme based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system and a chaotic neural network (CNN). The employed CNN comprises a 4-neuron layer called a chaotic neuron layer (CNL), where the spatiotemporal chaotic system participates in generating its weight matrix and other parameters. The spatiotemporal chaotic system used in our scheme is the typical coupled map lattice (CML), which can be easily implemented in parallel by hardware. A 160-bit-long binary sequence is used to generate the initial conditions of the CML. The decryption process is symmetric relative to the encryption process. Theoretical analysis and experimental results prove that the block cryptosystem is secure and practical, and suitable for image encryption. In this paper, we propose a novel block cryptographic scheme based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system and a chaotic neural network (CNN). The employed CNN comprises a 4-neuron layer called a chaotic neuron layer (CNL), where the spatiotemporal chaotic system participates in generating its weight matrix and other parameters. The spatiotemporal chaotic system used in our scheme is the typical coupled map lattice (CML), which can be easily implemented in parallel by hardware. A 160-bit-long binary sequence is used to generate the The initial conditions of the CML. The decryption process is symmetric relative to the encryption process. Theoretical analysis and experimental results prove that the block cryptosystem is secure and practical, and suitable for image encryption.
Bom 提出了用20个晶片组成一只线阵探头,采用电子线性扫描快速显示人体内部脏器的断层像,特别是心脏动态图象的显示,引起了超声诊断医学界的重视.在Bom 研制的装置中,其扫描