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我们在上两期谈到了 IELTS 口语考试的结构和可能出现的话题,这期介绍应对 IELTS 口语考试各个部分的一些方法。第一部分在口试的第一部分,考官只是就家庭、生活、教育、工作等要求考生进行一般性对话。考生只需如实回答,不必发表长篇宏论,当然,切不可只以简单的“yes”或“no”作答。所以要在轻松友善的态度下介绍自己;用简单、准确而流利的语言提供你自己的基本资料;要让考官知道你愿意表达自己和你有很多有趣的事要告诉他。注意以下几点:1)清晰和详细地回答,不要让对话在短句中中止;当考官期望您进一步说明,不要随便停下;2)大 In the last two sessions, we talked about the structure and possible topics of the IELTS speaking test. This section presents some methods for dealing with various parts of the IELTS speaking test. The first part is in the first part of the oral exam. Examiners only require general conversations on candidates for family, life, education, and work. Candidates need only to answer truthfully, without having to publish a long story, of course, must not simply answer with a simple “yes” or “no”. So introduce yourself in a relaxed and friendly manner; provide your own basic information in a simple, accurate, and fluent language; let the examiner know that you are willing to express yourself and that you have many interesting things to tell him. Pay attention to the following points: 1) Answer clearly and in detail. Don’t let the dialogue be suspended in the short sentence. When the examiner expects you to explain it further, do not stop at it;
One of the key factors that lead to Shanghai’s rapid development is the city’s prominent social environment where the economic prosperity and tolerance of cul
A lady lost her handbag in the bustle1 of Christinas shopping. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her.
“我永远忘不了他把她带回家的那一天。” [参考译文]今天早晨我发现亚麻布床单上有这么大的一个洞。我断定这是埃莱娜用该死的香烟烧的。她知道这亚麻床单是我嫁妆的一部分
[参考译文]亨利·肯德尔走进他的房子,脱掉大衣,坐了下来。然后他又一遍读起来了那封信: 我要500英镑,我会到你家来取的。你可以有4天时间把钱准备好。500英镑对于你这样的
在各种语言里,都有很多生活俗语的活用和指代。以下是英文中常见于网球报道的例子:bread and butter:最可靠的技术。面包和黄油是西方人不可或缺的东西,运用到网球中就是组