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近年来,广西罗汉果生产发展较快,但目前各产区均存在单产低的问题,尤其是桂南新产区更突出,一些果园,平均单株产果数不超过10个。造成罗汉果单产低的原因是多方面的,日灼烧病也是其中之一。罗汉果日灼烧病病状:上棚前种薯萌芽迅速变黑褐色而枯萎,藤蔓尖枯;上棚后不但藤蔓尖枯,幼蔓接触架材还会烫伤致死,部分卷须干枯,一些花蕾、幼果变黑停止发育,叶子自下至上逐渐黄化,受害严重的梢株浅层根系死亡而变成“老小苗”。日灼烧病影响罗汉果生产极大。第一、推迟植株上棚期。正常的上棚期为五月 In recent years, Guangxi Luo Hanuo production has developed rapidly, but at present there are low yields in all producing areas, especially in southern Guangxi more prominent new producing areas, some orchards, the average number of fruit per plant does not exceed 10. The causes of low yields of Luo Han Guo are many, Japan burning disease is one of them. Mangosteen burning disease symptoms: on the roof of the seed germination rapidly brownish brown and withered, withered vine withered; shed not only vines withered, young vine contact frame will be scalded to death, some tendons dry, some buds, young fruit changes Black stopped growing, the leaves gradually yellowing from the bottom up, the severely affected shoots shallow roots died and become “old seedlings.” Burning diseases affect the production of Luo Han Guo great. First, postponed the plant shed period. The normal shed period is May
水稻黄矮病(Rice transitory yellowing)是本世纪60~70年代我国南方稻区广为流行的主要病毒病害,主要由黑尾叶蝉(Nephotettix cincticeps)传病,近年在云南、湖南、安徽等省的
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银杏大蚕蛾Dictyoploca japonica Moore俗称白果蚕或樟蚕。已知分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、广西、台湾;日本也有记载。在吉林省见于延边、通化、吉林、四平等地区。据记载,
高梁霜霉病(Sclerospora sorghi)是一个世界性的重要病害。目前国内尚无确切的报道。作者在北也门重新描述了当地的病害症状与病原,研究了该病的流行与防治。明确病害的初侵
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