
来源 :砖瓦 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjkxqx
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在墙体材料革新工作向纵深发展及《砖瓦》杂志自办发行并加强国际技术合作交流的新形势下,本刊于1997年5月28日至6月1日在广州青云酒店顺利召开了“’97编通工作会议暨四新成果交流洽谈会”,到会代表共62名.会议由《砖瓦》杂志社社长兼总编尚乃伟主持.中国期刊协会建材分会秘书长、国家建材局政策法规体改司报刊管理处张建新副处长,就科技期刊的发展作了重要讲话,首次向到会代表透露《砖瓦》被国家建材局评为1996年优秀全国性建材科技期刊的消息,并就科技期刊的发展,结合《砖瓦》杂志情况和期刊协会工作谈5个方面的问题,还代表石景星副司长向到会代表赠送石景星同志的著作 《爬格子·架梯子 Under the new situation of the in-depth development of wall material innovation and self-issue of “brick and tile” magazine and the strengthening of international technical cooperation and exchange, the magazine was successfully held in Guangzhou Albatron Hotel from May 28 to June 1, 1997 “’97 Bian Tong working conference and the four new achievements of the exchange meeting, ’the meeting a total of 62. The meeting was presided over by the brick and tile magazine president and editor-in-chief Wei Naiwei China Association of Building Materials Branch secretary-general, the state Zhang Jianxin, Deputy Director of Newspapers and Periodicals Management Office of Building Materials Bureau, made an important speech on the development of sci-tech periodicals and disclosed for the first time to the delegates that ”brick and tile“ was awarded as Excellent National Building Materials Sci-tech Periodical by 1996 by the State Bureau of Building Materials News, science and technology and the development of journals, combined with the ”brick“ magazine and Journal Association work on five aspects of the problem, but also on behalf of Deputy Director Shi Jingxing presented to the delegates Comrade Shi Jingxing’s book ”climbing lattice ladder
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华盛顿专电 在新的一年即将来临之际,我们来到华盛顿市两北区十九街的世界银行总部。克劳森行长在他的办公室里回答了记者提出的问题。他说话较快,滔滔不绝,常常用手势来加
从政治变迁的角度看,治理是对统治、管理这两个常用政治概念的发展。本文拟对治理作政治学的界定并比较其与统治、管理的差异和指出其发展趋势。 From the perspective of p