
来源 :国际经贸研究(天津外贸学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liudanfeng123
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一、DR_s的基本涵义 存托凭证DR_s(Depositary Receipts)是一种可转让流通的、代表投资者对非本国证券所有权的证书。它由发行者将其发行的证券交本国银行或外国银行在本国的分支机构保管,然后以这些证券作为保证,委托外国银行再发行与这些证券对应的存托凭证,因而外国投资者持有的是存托凭证而非原始证券。 First, the basic meaning of DR_s Depository Receipts DR_s (Depositary Receipts) is a negotiable and transferable, on behalf of investors on non-domestic securities ownership certificate. It issued by the issuer of the securities issued to their own branches or branches of foreign banks custody, and then use these securities as a guarantee, commissioned by foreign banks and then issue these certificates corresponding to the depositary receipts, and therefore held by foreign investors Is a depositary receipt instead of the original.
俄罗斯水电蕴藏量为2 295 TW.h/a,已投入运行的水电装机容量为49.7 GW,其中装机容量大于10 MW的水电站有85座,在建水电工程的装机容量超过7 000 MW,拟建的约有12 GW。为了实
目前,对于肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)早期检测中放射成像技术无法确定的结节,通常需要通过活检取样来进行组织病理学鉴定。然而,一些早期肝癌组织中所呈现的病理改
Objective: To evaluate the value of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in screening a high-risk population for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Study design: D ur
Objectives In this study, we presented 2 cases and evaluated the evid ence for symptomatic hypocalcemia after treatment with magnesium sulfate alone or combine
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老年性甲状腺功能亢进症 (甲亢 )临床表现不明显 ,易造成误诊 ,漏诊。本文总结 1991年 9月~ 2 0 0 1年 9月我院34例老年甲亢患者资料 ,对其临床特点进行分析和讨论。1 临床资