Determination of accurate theoretical values for thermodynamic properties in bulk metallic glasses

来源 :Advances in Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangmu2003
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Deviation values of specific heat difference△C_P,the Gibbs free energy difference △G,enthalpy difference AH,and entropy difference △S between the supercooled liquid and corresponding crystalline phase produced by the linear,hyperbolic,and Dubey’s expressions of △C_P and the corresponding experimental values are determined for sixteen bulk metallic glasses(BMGs)from the glass transition temperature T_g to the melting temperature T_m.The calculated values produced by the hyperbolic expression for △C_P most closely approximate experimental values,indicating that the hyperbolic △C_P expression can be considered universally applicable,compared to linear and Dubey’s expressions for △C_P,which are accurate only within a limited range of conditions.For instance,Dubey’s △C_P expression provides a good approximation of actual experimental values within certain conditions(i.e.,ξ = △C_P~g/△C_P~m <2,where △C_P~g and△C_P~m represent the specific heat difference at temperatures T_g and T_m,respectively). Deviation values ​​of specific heat difference ΔC_P, the Gibbs free energy difference ΔG, enthalpy difference AH, and entropy difference ΔS between the supercooled liquid and corresponding crystalline phase produced by the linear, hyperbolic, and Dubey’s expressions of ΔC_P and the corresponding experimental values ​​are determined for sixteen bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) from the glass transition temperature T_g to the melting temperature T_m. calculated results produced by the hyperbolic expression for Δ C_P mostly approximate experimental values, indicating that the hyperbolic Δ C_P expression can be considered universally applicable, compared to linear and Dubey’s expressions for ΔC_P, which are accurate only within a limited range of conditions. For instance, Dubey’s ΔC_P expression provides a good approximation of actual experimental values ​​within certain conditions (ie, ξ = ΔC_P ~ g / △ C_P ~ m <2, where △ C_P ~ g and △ C_P ~ m represent the specific heat difference at temperatur es T_g and T_m, respectively).