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旅游手册上一惊一乍的文字,字里行间打着一个大大的问号:你真的做好要去非洲的准备了吗?一段旅行的真正起点,大约是将手头所有关于目的地的历史、诗歌、传说、名人志等诸多文献全部翻阅一遍。这样,等真正抵达彼处时,才能在途经某段遗址时不经意讲起一段动人心肠的情事,在瞥见某栋建筑时随口谈出个中流派起伏潋滟的脉冲,或在拜谒某个墓碑时沉沉道上一章对该国历史迂回曲折的隐射。 A big question mark in the travel brochure, with a big question mark in between the lines: Are you really prepared to go to Africa? The real start of a trip is about putting all the history, poetry, Legends, celebrities and many other literature all read it again. In this way, waiting for a visit to a place can only inadvertently talk about a moving heart when visiting a certain site. When a glimpse of a building casually speaks of a pulse of a middle-class man or a tombstone Shen Road, a chapter on the torture of the country’s tortuous history.
作为团队的领导者,千万不要做成了医生,看到谁都有病,而应当做木匠,把任何一块木料都视为有用之材,顺势利导,把用人工作转变成工作育人。 As a team leader, do not be a do
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
New York:Oxford University Press,2008.,226 pages(240pages).$21.95,ISBN:9780195335620哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院前院长、荣誉教授约瑟夫·奈(Joseph S.Nye,Jr.)是国际关系
Boston:Harvard Business Press,2008,305 pages,US$29.95,ISBN-13:978-1-4221-0368-5一、领导力理论与本书写作背景领导力研究时刻都在紧扣着时代发展的脉搏:一方面,领导力
The 15 provinces and municipalities in the northern territory of China cover 55 percent of the country’s total area,and its total amount of water resources mak