Modern data sources and techniques for analysis and forecast of road accidents: A review

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong562
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Road accidents are one of the most relevant causes of injuries and death worldwide,and therefore,they constitute a significant field of research on the use of advanced algorithms and techniques to analyze and predict traffic accidents and determine the most relevant elements that contribute to road accidents.The research of road accident prediction aims to respond to the challenge of offer tools to generate a more secure mobility environment,and ultimately,save lives.This paper aims to provide an overview of the state of the art in the prediction of road accidents through machine learning algorithms and advanced techniques for analyzing information,such as convolutional neural networks and long short-term memory networks,among other deep learning architectures.Furthermore,in this article,a compendium and study of the most used data sources for the road accident forecast is made.And a classification is proposed according to its origin and characteristics,such as open data,measurement technologies,onboard equipment and social media data.For the analysis of the information,the different algorithms employed to make predictions about road accidents are listed and compared,as well as their applicability depending on the types of data being analyzed,along with the results obtained and their ease of interpretation and analysis.The best results reported by the authors are obtained when two or more analytic techniques are combined,in such a way that analysis of the obtained results is strengthened.Among the future challenges in road traffic forecasting lies the enhancement of the scope of the proposed models and predictions by the incorporation of heterogeneous data sources,that include geo spatial data,information from traffic volume,traffic statistics,video,sound,text and sentiment from social media,that many authors concur that can improve the precision and accuracy of the analysis and predictions.
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【摘要】课堂是开展教学活动的主要阵地,是学生获取知识的重要渠道,如果课堂教学效率低下,那么学生的学习效果也会大打折扣,所以,打造高效的课堂,一直是提高教学质量的重要途径。本文主要介绍了提高初中数学课堂教学效率的几个有效途径,希望能够为初中数学教师提供一些有用的参考。  【关键词】初中数学;课堂教学;效率;途径  【中图分类号】G633.6 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017