The in vitro and in vivo toxicity of gold nanoparticles

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinying5322446
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Gold nanoparticles,owing to their unique physicochemical and optical properties,well-established synthetic methods and easy modifications,have been widely used in biomedical science.Therefore,for their safe and efficient applications,much attention has been given to the toxicological evaluations of gold nanoparticles in biological systems.A large number of studies focusing on this problem have been carried out during the past years.However,the researches on gold nanoparticles toxicity still remain fragmentary and even contradictory with each other.This may be caused by the variety in experimental conditions.In this review,we aim to provide a better understanding about the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of gold nanoparticles by reviewing and describing the up to date literatures related to this problem and we mainly focused on these properties such as the particle size and shape,the surface charge and modification.Besides,we also summarized the adverse effect of gold nanoparticles on immune systems and analyzed the origin of the toxicity. Gold nanoparticles, owing to their unique physicochemical and optical properties, well-established synthetic methods and easy modifications, have been widely used in biomedical science. Herefore, for their safe and efficient applications, much attention has been given to the toxicological evaluations of gold nanoparticles in biological systems. A large number of studies focusing on this problem have been carried out during the past years. Yet, the researches on gold nanoparticles toxicity still remain fragmentary and even contradictory with each other. This may be caused by the variety in experimental conditions In this review, we aim to provide a better understanding about the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of gold nanoparticles by reviewing and describing the up to date literatures related to this problem and we mainly focused on these properties such as the particle size and shape , the surface charge and modification. Besides, we also summarized the adverse effect of gold nanoparticles on imm une systems and analyzed the origin of the toxicity.
目的探讨小儿毛细支气管炎运用负压呼气流量技术(negative expiratory press,NEP)检测的临床意义。方法选择杭州地区2013年6月—2014年10月在浙江省中西医结合医院就诊的100
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