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我国开发区在区域经济中的超前发展 ,由于其自身的体制优势、服务体系优势、滚动发展优势和政策支持优势取得了令人瞩目的成绩 ,但同时也暴露出一些问题。保证开发区再创新优势、继续保持超前发展的总体对策是 :继续坚持以市场为导向 ,以营造环境为重点 ,以技术创新和制度创新为保证 ,以发展高新技术产业为目标 ,推动产业结构优化升级 ,努力提高国际综合竞争力 ,并积极遵循“并存共荣 ,因势整合 ,突出重点 ,择优扶持 ,强化特色”的原则 ,不断发展创新。具体应从政府和开发区两个方面共同推动开发区的超前发展。政府方面 ,要进一步完善开发区的管理体制、给予优惠政策支持、加强对研究与开发活动的支持 ;开发区自身方面 ,要突出定位创新、机制创新和产业创新 The advanced development of China’s development zones in the regional economy has made remarkable achievements due to its own institutional advantages, advantages of the service system, advantages of rolling development and advantages of policy support. However, some problems have also been exposed at the same time. The overall measures to ensure that development zones re-create new advantages and continue to maintain ahead of development are as follows: continue to adhere to the market-oriented approach, focus on creating an environment, guarantee technological innovation and system innovation, and promote industrial structure optimization with the goal of developing high-tech industries Upgrade and strive to improve the comprehensive international competitiveness, and actively follow the principle of “coexistence and common prosperity, integration due to potential, stressing priorities, giving priority to support and strengthening characteristics”, and continuously develop and innovate. Specifically, we should jointly promote the development of the zone in advance from both the government and the development zone. On the government side, it is necessary to further improve the management system of the development zone, give preferential policies and support for research and development activities; and in the development zone itself, we should highlight the positioning innovation, mechanism innovation and industrial innovation
曾经叱咤风云的昔日科技英雄不少已经为人所淡忘,那个时候或许没有这样那样的人物排行榜,但对于科技产业来说,这些名字应该永远不能忘记。 Many of the former tech heroes
序号书  名编  者出版年邮购价 元备 注册数 价格1先进热处理制造技术 陈再良 ,阎承沛主编 2 0 0 2年 90约 6 0万字  册   元2锻 压 王焱山主编 2 0 0 2年 6
全面的小康社会意味着人的发展需要不断得到更高程度的满足 ,社会富裕程度的提高将更多表现为私人资产的加速累积、社会大多数人都成为“有产者” ,社会经济生活中的各种风险
WTO翻译服务机构为译员和其他语言工作者编写了TRILINGUAL GLOSSARYFOR THE USEOF WTO TRANSLATORS一书。为了使读者了解与世贸组织的工作和世界贸易有关的英文缩略词,我们刊
【摘要】根据当前高职院校连锁经营管理课程实践教学的现状和不足,笔者主要从校内实训教学着手探讨提高实践教学的办法和措施,以促使学生熟练掌握专业知识和技能,为专业学习奠定坚实基础。  【关键词】连锁经营管理 实践教学  【中图分类号】G71 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)18-0029-02  连锁经营管理课程是高职院校工商管理专业及相关专业的专业课程,也是课程体系的核心
棉花的产销矛盾日益突出 ,表现在生产连年丰收 ,消费却逐年减少。而流通又是连接产销的桥梁与纽带 ,所以 ,棉花流通体制改革势在必行。棉花进行期货交易 ,既符合国际惯例 ,又