轨道交通电源市场火爆 众UPS厂商竞争激烈

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据悉,中达电通公司在中标上海地铁9号线、10号线、11号线屏蔽门电源子系统之后,又击败艾默生、施耐德等海外巨头,独家为上海地铁1号线人民广场站、莘庄站提供安全屏蔽门UPS不间断电源,地铁巨大的电耗是运营商最感头痛的事情之一,在发生停电或其它事故时,电源的作用则至关重要。UPS不间断电源就可以根据不同的负载、不同的延迟条件,分别设定切断时间,进行智能化控制。在前15分钟内,保证屏蔽门、车门的电源供应,以便让人员全部撤离;而站台指示灯的延长时间则长一些;监控系统则维持更长 It is reported that in the successful bidder Shanghai Metro Line 9, Line 10, Line 11 screen door power subsystem, and defeated Emerson, Schneider and other overseas giants, exclusive Shanghai Metro Line 1 People’s Square Station, Xinzhuang Station to provide security screen door UPS uninterruptible power supply, subway huge power consumption is one of the most troublesome operators, in the event of power outages or other accidents, the role of power is crucial. UPS uninterruptible power supply can be based on different loads, different delay conditions, respectively, set the cut-off time for intelligent control. In the first 15 minutes, to ensure that the screen door, door power supply, in order to allow all the evacuation; and platform lights to extend the longer time; monitoring system to maintain longer
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