In vitro biofilm formation in ESBL producing Escherichia coli isolates from cage birds

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:axyyuan
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Objective:To determine biofilm and hydrophobicity formation ratios in extended spectrum beta lactamases(ESBL) synthesizing Escherichia coli isolates which were isolated from feces samples of 150 cage bird species randomly taken from pet shops in Hatay province,Turkey.Methods:In vitro biofilm production of 4 ESBL positive isolates were performed by Congo Red Agar(CRA),Standard Tube(ST) and Microtitre Plate(MP) methods while their hydrophobicity were examined by bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon(BATH) test.Results:In the examined isolates,while biofilm production was found to be negative by CRA method,highest biofilm producing strain,among 4 bacteria was determined to be A42 by ST and MP methods.The Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) also displayed these confirmed findings.The hydrophobicity values of strains were determined to be between 22.45%and 26.42%.Conclusions:As a result,biofilm formation in cage bird feces originated ESBL positive Escherichia coli isolates was performed for the first time in Turkey.In order to present the relation between pathogenicity and biofilm production in animal originated ESBL positive isolates,further studies are required. Objective: To determine biofilm and hydrophobic formation formation ratios in extended spectrum beta lactamases (ESBL) synthesizing Escherichia coli isolates which were isolated from feces samples of 150 cage bird species randomly selected from pet shops in Hatay province, Turkey. Methods: In vitro biofilm production of 4 ESBL positive isolates were performed by Congo Red Agar (CRA), Standard Tube (ST) and Microtitre Plate (MP) methods while their hydrophobicity were examined by bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon (BATH) test. Results: In the examined isolates, while biofilm production was found to be negative by CRA method, highest biofilm producing strain, among 4 bacteria was determined to be A42 by ST and MP methods. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) also displayed these confirmed findings. The hydrophobicity values ​​of strains were determined to be between 22.45% and 26.42% .Conclusions: As a result, biofilm formation in cage bird feces originated ESBL positive Escherichia coli isolates was performed for the f irst time in Turkey. In order to present the relation between pathogenicity and biofilm production in animal originated ESBL positive isolates, further studies are required.
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