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伴随着中国革命和建设的前进步伐,中国人民解放军走过了70年的光辉历程,在半个多世纪的革命和建设中,我军形成了一整套的优良传统。这些优良传统是建军之本、强军之魂,成为我军进行革命化、现代化建设的强大精神动力。在“八一”建军节到来之际,回顾历史,展望未来,我们深深感到,在改革开放,发展社会主义市场经济条件下,要发扬井冈山革命精神。在井冈山革命斗争中形成的艰苦奋斗精神,是我军性质宗旨的具体体现,是我军战胜一切困难、 With the progress of the Chinese revolution and construction, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has passed the glorious course of 70 years. During the more than half a century of revolution and construction, our army has formed a set of excellent traditions. These fine traditions are the foundation for building the army and the soul for a strong army and have become a powerful spiritual force for our army's revolution and modernization. On the eve of the “August 1” military establishment, reviewing history and looking forward to the future, we deeply feel that under the conditions of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy, we should carry forward Jinggangshan's revolutionary spirit. The hard-working spirit formed in the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan is a concrete manifestation of the nature and purpose of our army and is the victory of our military in overcoming all difficulties,
能源短缺,已成为世界性的一大问题。石油争夺战,往往成为战争爆发的诱因,而一旦战争打起来,油料又成为战神的血液。有一位军事家说得好:现代战争,离开了油料将无法进行。 人
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论述了中国加入WTO后监狱与企业的发展关系,以及政府与监狱、企业的相互协调关系。 Discusses the development of prisons and enterprises after China's accession to th
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★这是世界屋脊最大的航空港,是联系西藏和内地的金色纽带。这里有一个英雄的群体,在雪域高原用生命和热血谱写了一曲奉献之歌。 ★ This is the largest airport on the ro
各行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位,各军分区,省农垦总局军事部:现将《黑龙江省县(市、区)人武部建设3年规划》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。1997年9月15日 Eac