TheApplicationandResearchofBloom’sTaxonomy LearningDifferentiationinEnglishTeachingofHigher Vocation

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  【Abstract】Differentiated instruction is an important strategy used by educators to meet the special needs of students, especially for modern higher vocational college students with diverse English abilities, learning styles and academic challenges.
  【Key words】Differentiated instruction; Higher Vocational College
  I. The concept of differentiation
  Differentiation is a process used to maximize student learning by improving the match between individual needs and the curriculum. Differentiation means that educators adapt the range of strategies to ensure that students’ needs are met with a way of tailoring teaching environments and practices to create different learning experiences based on diverse learning needs, different abilities and academic achievements in the same class.
  II. The background
  Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. It covers three types of learning, which are in cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of the most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities. The cognitive domain includes 6 levels, which are Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis (create/build), and Evaluation.
  III. How to formulate questions to enable differentiation in English teaching
  Our English teaching is like the ESOL classes in British. ESOL means English for Speakers of Other Languages. It contains 6 levels: Pre-Entry, Entry Level1, Entry Level2, Entry Level3, Level1 and Level2. The teacher who teaches different level will adopt different ways to teach students, like the Bloom’s Taxonomy. In Entry Level1class, teacher will pick Knowledge, very basic knowledge, (table 1) and ask them to remember and make simple sentences; In Entry Level2 and Entry Level3, teacher will pick Comprehension (table2) and Application, such as short conversations, grammar exercises, and ask them to understand them and try to catch the general ideas; In Level1 and Level2 teacher will pick Analysis and Synthesis, more difficult task, such as, more difficult grammar exercises, articles, which need students to analyse and think; Of course, the different level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is not separated. Sometimes the teacher may adopt some levels at the same time.
  IV. How to differentiate instruction in English teaching   1. Vary the pace of instruction. Assess the learning speed of each students
  Each student gets different learning rate. Some may grasp the material immediately, and others may need content repetition. In the class, when teacher gives students an assignment, if it is too difficult, some students may feel frustrated; if it is too easy, some may think it is without challenge. But the brain needs some degree of challenge to stay motivated, and new skills are better grasped when an assignment is not too easy or too difficult. So we need to break up the classroom into groups based on their learning speed.
  2. Increase the amount and depth of the workload for advanced students
  In English class, teacher classifies students into different levels. Normally there are two ways to classify them in order to maximize the effective learning. First, divide the students into different groups. Group1 is level A, group2 is level B, group3 is level C, etc., then the advanced students mostly are in group A or B. Teacher can increase the amount and depth of the workload for those students. Because moving too slowly creates boredom and serves only as information review for advanced students. On the contrary, give slower learners easier tasks and allow them to take more time with assignments. Because frustration with a fast pace inhibits learning and leads to a lack of focus. Second, divide the students into groups at random. That means in one group, there may be some advanced and some slower. We can adopt the way that students help students first to make learning effectively. When releasing assignments to different groups. Group members can undertake different tasks. The advanced students undertake more and harder tasks, the slower learners undertake less and easier ones. They fulfill their tasks respectively, help learn each other mutually, and eventually make sure every member grasps the skill.
  3. Appeal to students’ personal interests
  High interest levels in a subject will accelerate the learning process and lead to greater information retention. When teaching English, for example, sometimes teacher just uses very simple words that connect students real life experiences, asking them to do the writing exercises that involve application of material to the students’ personal life, habits and hobbies. We also can use tools, such as multimedia, interactive instructional software, workbooks and so on or some funny words games and activities, to stimulate the students’ participation in the class learning.
  4. Assign homework and classroom activities based on ability
  Teacher assists slower learners to complete the work by providing step-by-step instructions, placing fewer demands, allowing them to answer fewer questions and spend more time on their tasks. For average learners, teacher provides examples for them, and encourages them to engage in independent work. For advanced students, teacher assigns more challenging and complicated tasks, encourage them to study the content in greater depth.
  5. Reward students based on individualized progress
  Students in different level should have different learning objectives. Teacher should record each student’s learning process, monitor the progress they have made during the whole semester, and give out a proper formative assessment for them. During the teaching, teacher should avoid highlighting the gifted students repeatedly, celebrate the degree of effort exerted by every student and the amount of progress.
【摘要】随着全球化的进一步发展,特别是中国推出“一带一路”的倡议以来,英语作为世界通用的交流工具在国际舞台上的地位受到史无前例的重视。社会对幼儿的英语启蒙也是越来越重视,家庭启蒙和社会培训班双管齐下。本文将着重分析幼儿的英语启蒙阶段,绘本的亲子阅读在其中的作用和地位。  【关键词】英语启蒙;亲子阅读;绘本  【作者简介】李玉霞,南京工业职业技术学院。  一、对幼儿进行英语启蒙的理论依据  著名的语
【摘要】在我国经济不断发展的背景下,信息化已经成为了重要的发展趋势。在高中英语教学中,很多教师把信息化与英语教学内容融合在一起。高中英语教学效率变得越来越高。通过多媒体技术和网络信息技术的有效整合,让高中英语教学课堂变得更加生动和形象。因此,在新媒体背景下,高中英语信息化教学具有重要意义。本文对高中英语信息化教学的运用策略进行分析,能够为高中英语教师开展英语信息化教学提供坚实的准备。  【关键词】
【摘要】英语电视剧是开展口语教学的优质资源,合理运用英语电视剧可以有效提升英语口语教学效果。本文结合教学实践,探讨了英语电视剧在高中英语口语教学中的作用,提出了相应的教学策略,旨在促进高中英语口语教学。  【关键词】高中英语;英语电视剧;口语教学  【作者简介】徐乃文,江苏省马坝高级中学。  学生口语能力的培养是英语教学的主要目标之一,然而传统的应试教育模式极大地限制了英语口语教学效果的提升。在高
【摘要】本文通过对我国目前大学生职业规划教育的现状分析,结合高校开展大学生职业规划课程存在的问题,提出解决这些问题的解决途径,能够有效地改善大学生职业规划教育的现状,从而提高高校对学生做职业规划教育的作用,同时也能够使大学生更好地对自身进行合理的规划,有效提高大学生的就业竞争力。  【关键词】职业规划教育;现状;改革;途径  【作者简介】宋睿,西安石油大学。  大学生踏进学校大门,就应该树立职业意
案例背景:  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》提出英语学习活动观。在新时代背景下,为了培养学生的学科核心素养,高中英语教学设计应以英语学习活动观为基础。  本节课A quilt of many colors为拓展型阅读(校公开课),来源于美国《读者文摘》杂志网站,语言地道,情节感人,容易学生引起共鸣。主要内容是主人公Terry回忆在十几年前的圣诞节前夕,她由于生活拮据,并且想将有限的钱省下
【摘要】近年来,高职教育已成为我国教育体系中不可或缺的内容,高职院校学生的就业问题逐渐成为高职教育讨论的焦点,英语作为高职院校学生必修的基础课,学生英语实际能力的应用对今后的就业以及工作影响重大。为此,本文以职业能力培养为视角,结合高职院校公共英语教学现状,对高职公共英语教学模式进行探究。  【关键词】职业能力;高职英语;教学模式  【作者简介】胡佳,女,吉林交通职业技术学院,讲师。  【基金项目
【Abstract】Angela Carter is one of the best British writers since 1945. In her short stories collection, she has depicted many impressive protagonists that are rebellious, courageous and bold. She reco
【摘要】我们基于对外汉语教学中的文化传播,对不同教学模式下文化模式对于对外汉语教学的文化传播影响进行分析,探索知识文化以及交际文化的概念并对其现实意义的内容进行深入探讨。  【关键词】对外汉语;教学方式;文化传播  【作者简介】邢楠,西北政法大学外国语学院。  在汉语教学中,一种语言可以进行精确表达的内容,在另外一种不同的语言中也可以找到具体的表述语句。但是由于文化传播活动受到现实生活中很多因素的