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苯噻嗪类(或噻嗪类)利尿剂对钙代谢有其它利尿剂所没有的2种作用。首次服速尿、利尿酸、醛固酮拮抗剂等类利尿剂时,尿排钙与排钠一起增多。而首次给噻嗪类利尿剂对钙排泄影响很少。长期服噻嗪类则使肾脏排钙持续减少,致引起高钙血症。尿钙减少的原因未明。现已利用这一作用为特发性尿钙过高的病人预防肾结石形成,并用以减少已有结石的病人肾绞痛的发生率。Yendt等曾给67例反复发生尿石的病人每日服氢氯噻嗪100毫克。67例中33例在开始服氢氯噻嗪时无结石,这组病人在343病人年的观察 Benzothiazines (or thiazides) Diuretics have two effects on calcium metabolism that other diuretics do not have. Urinary excretion of calcium and sodium together with urinary excretion of diuretic, aldosterone antagonists and other diuretics for the first time. The first time to thiazide diuretics little effect on calcium excretion. Long-term use of thiazide renal row will continue to reduce row of calcium, causing hypercalcemia. The reason for the decrease in urinary calcium is not known. This effect has been used to prevent the formation of kidney stones in patients with idiopathic urinary calcium overload and to reduce the incidence of renal colic in patients with already established stones. Yendt et al. Gave 67 mg hydrochlorothiazide daily to 67 patients who recurred urolithiasis. Thirty-three of the 67 patients had no stones at the start of hydrochlorothiazide, and this group of patients was observed in 343 patient years
嗜酸细胞增生性淋巴肉芽肿(Eosinophilic lymphatic granuloma,简称ELG)系一种病程长、巨大瘤样肉芽肿,病因发病学尚不清楚。到目前为止国内共报道62例(1980年4期天津医药—
Misappropriation has become the accepted explanation for the refinancing behavior of Chinese listed companies, although the evidence in support of such an expla
地中海贫血 Mediterranean anemia 亦称海洋性贫血—thalassemia,是一组血红蛋白发生遗传性异常的疾病,表现为珠蛋白中的肽链有一种或一种以上合成减少、或不能合成而其他肽
在脾脏中的血液循环有二条主要途径:(1)直接通道是通过脾静脉窦。(2)间接通道,即通过脾静脉窦壁内皮细胞的空隙到脾的毕氏索(Billrothian cord)。这间接通道正如具有低压力
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