
来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fa1192573654
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  1. Introduction
  On November 2013, the Chinese translation of Alice Munro’s short story series Open Secrets has been published by Yilin Press(gongkaidemimi,2013). Open secrets is one of Alice Munro, the winner of 2013 Nobel Prize in literature’s masterpiece. (goodreads, n.d). The literary value of the book was recognized by the whole world. As the first Chinese version of this short story series which was published following Munro’s winning,《公開的秘密》 has drew a lot of attention in Chinese literary world. In this paper, the translation of one of the short story in Open Secrets will be analyzed. The title of the story is Vandals, and it was translated into 《破坏分子》 by its translator XING Nan. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategies that XING Nan used most to deal with the linguistic barrier between English and Chinese. In the mean time, this research also aims to find out what strategies did the translator used to manage the difference between English and Chinese culture. Firstly, there will be a literature review in this paper which contains introductions and analysis of other articles related. Secondly, the Domestication and foreignization strategies used in 《破坏分子》will be studied. Thirdly, there will be an analysis on how Venuti’s translation shifts were used in the translation. A brief conclusion will be drawn at the end of this essay.
  2. Literature review
  2.1 About Alice Munro and Vandals
  Alice Munro is a famous Canadian English-language writer who won the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature. She is appreciated for finely tuned storytelling, and her work is characterized by clarity and psychological realism(, 2013). In her book Open Secrets which was published in 1994, she combined this kind of realism with narration(Foy, 1998). The story series contains 8 short stories. In those stories, Alice Munro demonstrates the life and love experience of people living in a small town of Canada. The destructive power of old love suddenly recollected is emphasized in those stories(goodreads, n.d).Vandals is the last story in the book. It describes the love story of a small town women Bea and her mate Ladner as well as stories happened between her and Lisa(The neighbor girl who is the actual ‘vandals’). N. Foy wrote a comment essay about Vandals. According to Foy, it is a end to Open Secrets which contains the magic, romance, memory, and writing purpose of the whole series(Foy, 1998). However, Foy’s view lacks supporting details. In Munro’s book, the 8 stories have similar style background. And the some main characters in Vandals are related to characters in other stories. Nevertheless, it is an independent story. There is no proof that Munro made a conclusion of the series through Vandals.   2.2 About Domestication and Foreignization.
  Domestication and Foreignization are translation strategies that translators often used to deal with the cultural differences between source and target culture. L.Venuti has explained these two strategies in his ‘invisibility’ theory(Munday,2013; Venuti,2008). According to Venuti, the purpose of domestication is to minimize the foreign elements of the TT. While Foreignization aims to “developing translation which can get rid of cultural influence of target culture”. Domestication and Foreignization are often translated into ‘歸化’and ‘异化’in Chinese. However, there is an article about the difference between domestication
【摘要】众所周知,高中英语课程对于学生未来发展以及核心素养的提升有着非同寻常的意义。而英语阅读教学更是高中英语课程体系的重中之重,如何才能做好英语阅读教学工作成为教育者必须要研究的重要课题之一。本文笔者将基于核心素养培养的需求,对高中英语阅读课教学模式进行分析,希望能够为有关人士提供一定的参考。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;核心素养;有效性  【作者简介】邹淑娟,福建莆田第十中学。  高中英语
【摘要】当前,社区大学老年英语教学还处于探索阶段,参加老年英语课程学习的人数相较其他专业而言还比较少,还没有统一的老年英语教材。本文笔者结合在兰州社区大学近3年的老年英语教学经验,在学习研究国内老年英语教学文献的基础上,总结分析了目前老年英语教学现状及存在的主要问题,探讨了老年英语教学的策略,以期为老年英语教学提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】老年英语;教学现状;策略  【作者简介】杨荣(1980-)
【摘要】高中英语口语教学过程中,教师应明确英语教学改革对于高中英语教育的重要意义,在进行英语教学过程中,要有针对性地做好内容依托式教学法的应用,本文主要結合内容依托式教学法在高中英语口语教学中的应用展开了研究探讨。  【关键词】内容依托式;教学法;高中英语;口语教学;应用研究;探讨  【作者简介】迟凤丽(1982.05-),女,汉族,黑龙江牡丹江人,长春市九台区实验高中,一级教师,本科。  高中英
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In recent years, in order to fully implement quality education and cultivate new-type talents, teachers of mechanical engineering should attach enough importance to the teaching model in their teachin
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【摘要】互联网时代的到来,对教育行业改革也带来了深入的应用,互联网技术已经广泛渗透到日常教学管理的方方面面,不断推动教育模式创新,从而更好地丰富教学活动形式,提升学生自主学习水平和综合素养。本文基于“互联网 ”视角,对当前告知高职公共英语教学存在的问题进行了简要分析,同时提出了加强基于“互联网 ”的高职公共英语混合式教学模式改革的具体对策,以供参考。  【关键词】互联网 ;高职公共英语;混合式教学