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为解决农业试验统计分析软件、扬州分析器(2.2)、Excel进行回归分析建立的部分非典型性肥料效应方程推荐的施肥量出现异常偏大、偏低甚至负值,脱离当地生产实际的问题。该文应用概率理论的基本知识和频数的原理和方法,对油菜田间肥效试验数据应用频率分析法进行统计分析,得到的油菜优化施肥量产量为1 732.4 kg/hm2,氮、磷、钾优化组合合范围分别为210.36~149.64、81.89~58.11、81.89~58.11 kg/hm2,与试验地(田)和当地生产实际相吻合。该研究是在频率分析的基础上,用加权平均方法,确定各种不同产量目标的生产因素组合,将其中产量高,出现频率大(稳产),用肥节省的组合作为优化生产措施,具有增加施肥决策信息量,减少或避免小概率事件的风险的优点。可解决肥效试验数据分析统计汇总应用扬州分析器(2.2)、Excel、DPS等统计分析软件进行回归分析建立的部分非典型肥料效应函数推荐的施肥量和目标产量出现异常值,与当地生产实际不相符的问题。肥料效应函数方程经方差分析不显著的试验,能否应用该研究方法进行施肥决策,推荐氮、磷、钾肥料优化组合和优化施肥量产量,还需在以后的工作实践中进一步探讨。 In order to solve the agricultural experiment statistic analysis software, Yangzhou analyzer (2.2), the regression analysis of Excel shows that the recommended fertilization amount of the atypical fertilizer effect equation appears abnormally large, low or even negative, and it is out of the practical problems of local production. In this paper, the principle and method of probability theory were used to analyze the data of fertilizer efficiency test in rapeseed fields by using the frequency analysis method. The optimized yield of rapeseed was 1 732.4 kg / hm2, and the optimized combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium The ranges were 210.36 ~ 149.64, 81.89 ~ 58.11 and 81.89 ~ 58.11 kg / hm2, respectively, which were in good agreement with the experimental plots (fields) and local production practices. Based on the frequency analysis, the study determined the combination of production factors with different production targets by using the weighted average method. Among them, the combination of high yield, high frequency of occurrence (stable yield) and fertilizer saving was used as the optimized production measure with an increase of The benefits of fertilizing decision information and reducing or avoiding the risk of small probability events. Solve the fertilizer efficiency test data analysis and statistics summary Application of Yangzhou analyzer (2.2), Excel, DPS and other statistical analysis software for regression analysis of some of the atypical fertilizer effect function recommended fertilizer amount and target output of abnormal values, and the actual production is not Match the question. Fertilizer function equation is not significant test of variance analysis, the application of the research methods can be applied fertilization decision-making, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer recommended to optimize the combination and optimize the amount of fertilizer production, but also in future work to further explore.
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