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背景个体社会经济位置维度——受教育程度、社会阶层、社会地位和收入影响与死亡率相关。死亡率不等也与家庭的社会位置相关。然而,对婚姻/同居某伴侣的社会经济位置如何影响另一伴侣死亡率尚不清楚。我们对社会经济位置4个因素对其自己及其伴侣死亡率的独立影响进行调查研究。方法收集源于瑞典1990年普查人口,年龄30~59岁(N=1502148)婚姻/同居双方受教育程度、社会阶层、社会地位和收入登记数据。所收集的全因死亡率和死于癌症或循环系统病数据源于之后的1991—2003年死亡原因记录。采用Cox回归模式评估不同的社会经济组相关死亡风险。结果男性和女性全因死亡率由于女性受教育程度与地位,男性社会阶层和收入的不同而不同。男性,当男性社会阶层包含于模式中,那么妻子受教育程度带来的死亡风险比其自己受教育程度还重要。女性,丈夫社会阶层比女性自己职业测量导致的死亡率差异要大。就女性因循环系统疾病导致的死亡率来讲,女性受教育程度、男性社会阶层及收入特别重要。结论伴侣的社会位置与死亡率明显无关,女性教育和男性社会阶层显得特别重要。所提出对健康程度不等解释,不总与所观察伴侣的社会、经济与死亡率间的关系相符。 Context Individual socioeconomic position dimensions - Implications for education, social class, social status, and income are related to mortality. Unequal mortality rates are also related to the social position of the family. However, it is unclear how the socio-economic status of a partner / cohabitant affects the mortality of another partner. We investigated the independent impact of the four factors of socioeconomic status on their own and their partner mortality rates. Methods Data were collected from the level of education, social class, social status and income of married / cohabiting people aged 30- 59 years (N = 1502148) from the Swedish 1990 census population. All-cause mortality and deaths due to cancer or circulatory disease data from 1991 to 2003 were recorded. Cox regression models were used to assess the socio-economic group-related death risks. Results All-cause mortality rates for males and females vary according to women's level of education and status, male social class, and income. Men, when the male social class is included in the model, the risk of death from a wife's educational attainment is more important than her own level of education. Women, husbands, the social class than women's own occupational measurement lead to greater differences in mortality rates. In terms of female mortality due to circulatory diseases, women's education level, men's social class and income are particularly important. Conclusion The social location of mate is obviously unrelated to the mortality rate. Female education and male social class are particularly important. The proposed interpretation of unequal health does not always coincide with the relationship between the social, economic and mortality rates of observed partners.
(1)《青年研究》2009年起改为双月刊,单月底出版,每期1 7万字,国内外公开发行。(2)本刊国内由北京市邮政局发行,邮发代号:80-439;国外发行由中国国际图书贸易总公司代理,代号
采用紫外分光光度法和旋光法分别测定氟哌酸及盐酸麻黄素的含量。结果 :相关系数氟哌酸为 r=0 .9999,盐酸麻黄素 r=0 .9998,回收率分别为 99.6%和 10 0 .4 % ,RSD分别为 0 .5