西北军政委员会司法部 公安部联合通知

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事由:为合饬各监狱看守所统由公安部门领导管理希即办理交接由。陕南行署主任、各专区专员、各县(市)长各专区分庭庭长公安处处长:各县(市)人民法院院长政府公安局局长兹抄发西北军政委员会司法公安部司公联通字第一号通知及原附中央人民政府司法公安部事指字第四一号关于监狱看守所和劳动改造队移转公安部门领导的联合指示各一件,希即遵照执行,交接完毕,即将交接情形呈报本府公安厅与省法院。为了贯澈指示精神,密切今后司法、公安机关的联系,以利工作进行,特再作如下规定:一、监狱与看守所,不论现在一起或已分开的,均应依照中央规定,移交公安机关统一领导,并兼受法院指导。二、各县(市)监所由法院派一适当干部充任副看守长或看守员,(在法院编制中)专门管理未决犯,了解与汇报未决犯的思想动态,进行个别谈话,帮助及时弄清案情,期使所管教工作与法院审判工作密切配合。三、法院对犯人的提讯,由主审人员(审判员)签发提票送经看守长登记后即可提讯,来往戒护,由看守所武装负责。对犯人之转监(由看守所转送监狱)执行及释放犯人,须有法院院长签名盖章,经公安局连署证件方可执行,并由公安机关派武装戒护。 Reasons: For the joint prison detention center under the leadership of the public security department that handle the handover. Director of Southern Shaanxi Administrative Office, Commissioner of each prefectural district, chief of various prefectures (cities), chief of each special section of the district Chief of Public Security: Director of People’s Courts of all counties (cities) Director of Public Security Bureau hereby copies Secretary of Justice and Public Security Department of Northwest Military and Political Committee Unicom word notice No. 1 and the original attached to the Central People’s Government Ministry of Justice and Public Security refers to the word on the 4th of the prison detention center and the labor reform team to shift the leadership of the public security department of the joint instructions of one, that follow the implementation of the transfer is completed, about to The handover was reported to the government Public Security Department and the provincial court. In order to carry out the spirit of direct instruction and close contact with the judicial and public security organs in the future, Elihu will carry out the following provisions: 1. Prisons and detention centers, whether now or together, should be handed over to the public security organs for reunification Leadership, and subject to court guidance. (2) Each prefectural (city) supervisor’s office shall send an appropriate cadre to serve as the deputy chief inspector or watchman (in court preparation) by special courts to supervise the outstanding criminals, understand and report on the ideological trends of the outstanding criminals, conduct individual talks and help Timely to clarify the case, so that the work of discipline and court adjudication work closely with. Third, the court against the prisoners, the main trial staff (umpire) issued a bill of lading sent by the detention of the guard can be mentioned after the call, guarding and guarding, by the detention center armed. The transfer of prisoners (transferred to the prison by the detention center) the implementation and release of prisoners must be signed and sealed by the president of the court, the Public Security Bureau documents can be enforced only by the public security agencies to send armed guard.
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