Controllable synthesis of ultrathin vanadium oxide nanobelts via an EDTA-mediated hydrothermal proce

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Ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts with rough alignment features are prepared on the induction layer-coated substrates by an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA)-mediated hydrothermal process. EDTA acts as a chelating reagent and capping agent to facilitate the one-dimensional(1D) preferential growth of ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts with high crystallinities and good uniformities. The annealed induction layer and concentration of EDTA are found to play crucial roles in the formation of aligned and ultrathin nanobelts. Variation in EDTA concentration can change the VO_2 morphology of ultrathin nanobelts into that of thick nanoplates. Mild annealing of ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts at 350℃ in air results in the formation of V_2O_5 nanobelts with a nearly unchanged ultrathin structure. The nucleation and growth mechanism involved in the formations of nanobelts and nanoplates are proposed. The ethanol gas sensing properties of the V_2O_5 nanobelt networks-based sensor are investigated in a temperature range from 100℃ to 300℃ over ethanol concentrations ranging from 3 ppm to 500 ppm.The results indicate that the V_2O_5 nanobelt network sensor exhibits high sensitivity, good reversibility, and fast responserecovery characteristics with an optimal working temperature of 250℃. Ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts with rough alignment features are prepared on the induction layer-coated substrates by an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) -mediated hydrothermal process. EDTA acts as a chelating reagent and capping agent to facilitate the one-dimensional (1D) preferential growth of ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts with high crystallinities and good uniformities. The annealed induction layer and concentration of EDTA are found to play crucial roles in the formation of aligned and ultrathin nanobelts. Variation in EDTA concentration can change the VO_2 morphology of ultrathin nanobelts into that of thick nanoplates. Mild annealing of ultrathin VO_2 nanobelts at 350 ° C in air results in the formation of V_2O_5 nanobelts with a nearly unchanged ultrathin structure. The nucleation and growth mechanism involved in the formations of nanobelts and nanoplates are proposed. The ethanol gas sensing properties of the V_2O_5 nanobelt networks-based sensor are investigated in a temperature rang e from 100 ° C to 300 ° C over ethanol concentrations ranging from 3 ppm to 500 ppm. The results indicate that the V2O5 nanobelt network sensor exhibits high sensitivity, good reversibility, and fast response recovery characteristics with an optimal working temperature of 250 ° C.
贩、凡53葡夏函西死企业文化研究会第四届理事会名单深圳市职工思想政治工作研究会 List of the 4th Board of Directors of the Institute for the Study of Ideological a
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