An Analysis of Views on Friendship in Chinese and Americans from the Perspective of Long-term versus

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  【Abstract】There are different views on friendship between people of dissimilar cultural backgrounds. This article examines the different views on friendship between Chinese and Americans by referring to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory. Particularly, the dimension of long-term and short-term orientation is used to compare differences in duration of friendship and attitudes toward old friends.
  【Key words】Friendship; Hofstede cultural dimension; Long-term and short-term orientation
  An important type of interpersonal relationship is friendship. The pursuit of friendship is impeded during cross-cultural interaction, however, because of cultural differences, particularly those involving values and ideologies. To ameliorate cross-cultural communication, it’s helpful to understand the differences in cultural views on friendship.
  As for Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, he initially developed four dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism, and masculinity versus femininity. Hofstede later added a fifth dimension, long-term versus short-term orientation. He states that long-term orientation stands for the fostering of virtues oriented around future rewards, especially perseverance and thrift. Its opposite pole, short-term orientation, stands for the fostering of virtues related to the past and present, in particular respect for tradition, preservation of ‘face’, and fulfilling social obligations (Hofstede, 2001). Long-term oriented cultures, with roots in the ethical imperatives of Confucianism, emphasize education, frugality, and perseverance. Short-term oriented cultures emphasize expectation for quick results, respect for traditions, and social spending.
  An approach of understanding views on friendship in different cultures is to study language as spoken by group members. Proverbs are linguistically idiosyncratic, which offers insight into unique viewpoints and values of a society. Therefore, this article aims to provide a better understanding of different views on friendship between Chinese and Americans with the help of proverbs as the auxiliary tool, with intent to help minimize cross-cultural misunderstanding and ameliorate cross-cultural communication.
  Ⅱ.Views on Friendship in Chinese and Americans from the Perspective of Long-term versus Short-term Orientation
  1.The Difference in duration of friendship. In China, friendship is often solid, stable and even life-long. Chinese are very careful about making friend, taking a long time to get in touch with each other. Chinese proverbs that reflect common views about friendship are “患難见真情” , “患难之交永不忘” . Some people even think friends need to experience big events together in order to cultivate a deep friendship, such as the friendship in a Chinese folktale entitled “Taking Oath in the Peach Garden”. Friendship not only needs to be cultivated gradually but also requires a certain amount of time and dedication from both sides, for example “士为知己者死,女为悦己者容”; “肝胆相照,同舟共济”; “为朋友不惜两肋插刀”.   Americans generally make friends more quickly, but also forget friends more quickly, and can easily become indifferent to each other. Alison Lanier claims the United States is a very mobile country. Americans frequently move to new areas in search of employment and education. With each move, they make new friends while decreasing contact with old friends. The friendship of Americans may be intimate, continuous, intense, generous, and sincere, but once the environment changes, all that may disappear. Americans are accustomed to this and therefore are not hurt by loss of companionship. Since America is so mobile, Americans’ personal relationships are relatively weaker and more sporadic.
  The durable friendship that Chinese prefer requires much time to develop, which many Americans are unwilling to commit. The reason why Chinese pay much attention to the time length of friendship is that they value long-term commitment and contend that friendship which survives the test of time is the most precious. The virtue of perseverance is championed by cultures with a long-term orientation. Alternatively, Americans feel more comfortable with a short-term friendship because virtues directed at the present and expectation for quick results are championed by cultures with a short-term orientation.
  2.The Difference in attitude toward old friends. Several Chinese proverbs about friendships are as follows: “人惟舊,衣惟新” ?——汉·王符《潜夫论· 交际 》 ?; “衣不如新,人不如故”。 ?——乐府《古艳歌》 ?. From the proverbs above, it’s evident that old friends are valued in Chinese proverbs under any circumstances and that new friends are rarely regarded as good as old friends. Huang (2013) notes that friendship in China is very stable and may last for a lifetime. Chinese expect long-term and unchanging friendship which doesn’t fade with a change of circumstances.
  One particularly telling English proverb about friendship is “To get on/along like a house on fire”. The meaning is that people can experience rapid and intense friendship, in stark contrast to the patience and steadfastness encouraged by Chinese proverbs. But as discussed above, Americans’ friendship is often associated with certain circumstances, as soon as the situation changes so do the friends.
  Chinese views on friendship reflect a culture with a long-term orientation. Chinese cherish old friends due to their appreciation of long-term commitment which includes perseverance and persistent determination. But Americans do not always speak highly of old friends. For them the time investment in friendship is not as valued as by Chinese counterparts. Although life-long friendship is also treasured by them, they readily cultivate short-term friendship because they cherish the present.
  As a whole, Chinese views on friendship reflect a culture with a long-term orientation. Conversely, Americans’ concept of friendship shows a culture with a short-term orientation. The analysis of different views on friendship may offer guidelines for interpersonal interactions between Chinese and Americans. With a better understanding of cultural differences, people will communicate more appropriately and peacefully.
  [1]Hofstede, G. Culture’s Consequence[J]. London: Sage Publication, Inc,2001.
  [2]Huang Guangguo Face and Favor: Chinese Power Game. The American Journal of Sociology[M]. The University of Chicago Press. Vol,2013(92):944-974.
陆士桢:中小学教育应加入针对留守儿童的内容    据全国妇联的相关调研,中国农村留守儿童数量超过5800万,他们面临着安全和青春期教育缺乏等问题。据此,今年七月底,中国经济社会理事会理事、中国青少年研究会副会长陆士桢表示,中国出现留守儿童的原因在于国家经济社会的变迁,这一现象还将长期存在。她建议中小学教育应加入针对留守儿童的内容,帮助他们应对种种困境。   陆士桢参加在重庆举行的中欧圆桌会议第七次
【摘要】当今时代,我们倡导创新精神。中职生作为技能人才的力量,理当拥有自己的创新意识和创新能力。在中学英语教学中,许多教育者都提出了较为新颖的教学方式,其中,教师和学生角色互换、情景再现、场景模拟等形式较为引人注目,它有效地提高了学生参与课程的积极主动性,提升了学生的学习兴趣,在教学过程中具有广阔的发展空间,尤其是有利于学生创新能力的培养,值得我们在实际应用中不断地探讨、探索。  【关键词】中职英
【摘要】教师在教学的时候,教学方法的选择非常重要。若是教师选择的教学方法不够恰当,那么教学任务很难顺利地完成,预期教学目标也无法达到,甚至会给正常教学造成较大影响。因此,初中英语高效课堂的实现,需要以富有成效的教学方法作为辅助。本文从初中英语教学入手,选取了兴趣驱动法、合作探究法以及信心激励法来探讨初中英语有效教学具体如何实施,希望对广大一线教师提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】英语课堂;有效课堂;教
【摘要】新课改实施的如火如荼,对初中英语来说又迎来了新的挑战,这在城中村学校教学方面体现得尤为明显。城中村学生基础能力较差,教育难度较高,这导致英语教学遇到了瓶颈。对此教师必须要重视起来,认真分析当前存在的问题,全面了解学生的英语水平,采取有效策略从多方面促进教学瓶颈的突破。本文对此做了深入研究。  【关键词】城中村;初中英语;问题;策略  【作者简介】林笑,深圳市福田区上沙中学。  前言  城中
缘分的情愫,一次志愿的不经意填写,让我与你不离不弃;岁月的轮回,几十年风雨兼程,让我与你相伴相随。自从与你结缘,便不知不觉地喜欢上你,并且爱上了你——儿童,你已成为我生命中不能割舍的一部分。每日看着你,每天欣赏你,每时读着你,心里总有一种说不出的感怀和怡然。      花籽  “我往花盆里埋下两粒花籽,/过了几天,/跑出两颗小草。/我说:/站住!你回去捎个信儿,让花朵来向我报到!/”  读你,读你
背景介绍  举手发言,对小学生来说,是一件再平常不过的小事。谁会想到,哪个学生会为了发言这件小事而苦恼不堪呢!  小洁,女,11岁,小学五年级学生。第一次来到咨询室时,表情非常忧郁。说话时,头低着,不敢看人,两手不停地卷动着手中的报纸。看得出,她有些焦虑。在我的鼓励下,她开始了叙述:  上五年级时,她从外地转入目前就读的小学。转校时,父母、亲友曾告诉她,说这是一所重点小学,教育质量很好,老师要求很
【摘要】本文结合翻译美学理论,从不同层次美质对《短歌行》的赵彦春教授英译本进行评析,意在揭示翻译美学理论对古典诗歌翻译实践的重要指导意义。  【关键词】《短歌行》;翻译美学理论;美质;古典诗歌翻译  【作者简介】丁春晖,武汉工程大学外语学院。  一、引言  拟乐府《短歌行》乃赤壁之战后曹操的作品,反映出内外交困背景下,年事已高的曹操为了一统天下,采取种种措施,极力延揽人才的深忧与求贤若渴之情。《短
日常生活中,什么样的事情该怎么样做,对大人来说也许只是一个简单的问题,但小孩往往对此很茫然。因此,就孩子的成长而言,他们最需要的是教育引导。如何进行教育引导呢?不妨先看这样一则幽默:  小猪问:“读书有什么用?”  老猪说:“读好书长大了可以住大房子。”  小猪瞧瞧自家狭小的猪圈,对老猪说:“那你小时候肯定没有读好书。”  幽默归幽默,但给教育工作者的思考是:这是否恰恰折射出老猪教育引导的无奈与苍