
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmx1019
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审视2015年山东省各地市初中学业水平考试思想品德学科试题,可以反映出试题的特色:融国家要求、时代需要、地方发展和思想教育于一体,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,弘扬社会主义主旋律;贴近学生贴近实际,关怀学生精神成长;有学生对社会生活观察、体验和多角度思考能力的考查,又注意培养学生的爱国、爱党、社会责任等情感,实现三维目标的有机考查;反映教学改革成果,继承与创新相结合,做到了与时俱进。对试题的设计分析及学生答题存在问题的把握,可以对今后教学工作提供重要启示。 Examining the questions of ideology and morality of the middle school academic proficiency test in all localities in Shandong Province in 2015 can reflect the characteristics of the exam questions: integrating the requirements of the country, the needs of the times, local development and ideological education, fostering and practicing the socialist core values ​​and promoting socialism The main melody; close to the students close to reality, caring for student spirit growth; some students observe social life experience and multi-angle thinking ability test, but also pay attention to cultivating students’ patriotism, love the party, social responsibility and other emotions, to achieve three- Reflect the results of teaching reform, inheritance and innovation combine to do with the times. The design of the test questions and students answer questions to grasp, can provide important lessons for future teaching.
本文概述了气体渗碳与滴注式渗碳的主要特征。阐述了以凿岩机部件为例用于工业生产的炉子和过程检验及质量保证措施。选用四个钢种即DIN 17 CrNiMo 6、DIN02Mncr 5、DIN 34 c
专利申请范围: 在凝固率为70~80%的液芯锭进行最初轧制阶段,对钢锭中部表面强制水冷生成凝固壳,以此来防止液芯锭在轧制过程中产生鼓肚。发明详细说明: 本发明是防止钢锭液芯
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