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报道了华夏三叠副蝎蛉Triasoparac horistahuaxiaensis gen.etspnov.(T2t)、吐孜沟准噶尔蝎蛉Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong.nom.nov.(J1b)和1个新转移属——冀北直脉蝎蛉属Jibeiorthophlebia Hoing,1983(transl.nov.)(J2)及其2个种J.xiao-fangzhangziensis Hong,1983(transl.nov.)、J.internata Hong,1983(transl.nov.)在中国首次发现。根据它们的脉序特征,在分类上应当归于Parachoristidae Tillyard,1937。这个科既具有二叠蝎蛉科(Permochoristidae)MP带6支脉的特征,又有直脉蝎蛉科(Or-thophlebiidae)Rs1至少带3支脉呈扇形排列的特征,形成二叠蝎蛉科和直脉蝎蛉科之间的一种独特的过渡特征的中间类群,这个类群对它们之间的演变关系的研究有重要意义。副蝎蛉科化石在中国的发现很有意义:①填补了中国中三叠世、早侏罗世、中侏罗世副蝎蛉科的空白;②可以帮助我们追溯副蝎蛉科、直脉蝎蛉科和二叠蝎蛉科之间在不同地质背景中的演变关系;③关于中侏罗世燕辽生物群及其有关问题,笔者曾先后指出,燕辽生物群(YanliaoBiota)(J2)和热河生物群(K1)均起源于华北古陆(North China Paleocontinent),燕辽地区(覆盖了新增加的内蒙古宁城地区)是它们的起源中心,尔后向外扩散与迁移,并向北覆盖到蒙古东部、俄罗斯外贝加尔等地区,形成东亚古陆(Eastern Asian Paleocontinent)中一个广阔的燕辽生物群和热河生物群的区系;④讨论了宁城地区地层层位的归属问题。 Triasoparac horista huaxiaensis gen.etspnov. (T2t), Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong.nom.nov. (J1b) and one new genera, Jibei, Jibeiorthophlebia Hoing, 1983 (transl.nov.) (J2) and its two species, J. xiao-fangzhangziensis Hong, 1983 (transl.nov.), J. internata Hong, 1983 (transl.nov.) Were first found in China. According to their pulse-sequence characteristics, the classification should be at Parachoristidae Tillyard, 1937. This family has the characteristics of Permochoristidae MP with 6 veins, and at least 3 veins of Orsophirididae Rs1 are fan-shaped, forming Permocoronidae and Straight The middle class of a unique transitional characteristic between the two families of Siphonoptera, which is of great importance for the study of the evolutionary relationship between them. The discovery of the sub-Scorpio fossil fossil in China is of great significance: (1) it has filled the gaps in the Middle Triassic, Early Jurassic and Middle Jurassic Parasitology in China; (2) Scorpioid family and Permian Scorpioid family in different geological context evolution relationship; ③ Yanliao biota in the Middle Jurassic and related issues, the author has pointed out that the Yanliao Biota (J2) and heat The river biota (K1) originated in the North China Paleocontinent. The Yanliao area (covering the newly-increased Ningcheng area, Inner Mongolia) is the origin of them and later spreads and migrates to the north and covers Eastern Mongolia, Outer Baikal and other regions of Russia to form a vast Yanliao and Rehe biofacies in the Eastern Asian Paleocontinent. (4) The ownership of stratigraphic layers in Ningcheng area is discussed.
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