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机关中冗员多,人浮于事,是目前我国各级政府中存在的一个普遍现象,就连农村的乡镇机构也不例外。如何才能消除这一痼疾?枣强县恩察镇近几年来在机构改革和人员分流方面的探索不失为一条成功之路。枣强县恩察镇地处黑龙港流域,自然经济条件较差,是一个典型的以农业为主的乡镇,全镇23个村,1.48万人,4万亩耕地。就是这么一个小乡镇,1992年年初乡党委、乡政府(当时尚未建镇)机关有国家干部和职工48人。1992年3月,全国劳动模范、优秀农民企业家李永怀担任了恩察乡党委书记。他对乡机关人浮于事的状况有切身地了解,上任伊始,就下决心对乡机构进行改革,精兵简政,以尽快在恩察乡形成一种高效精干的机构和工作局面。为此,这个乡推出了机构改革和人员分流的改革措施,从乡机关12名副乡级干部和36名协助人员中,分流出8名干部和12名协助员,留下的人员分工负责抓乡里的各项工作,并分别与乡党委、乡政 It is a common phenomenon in all levels of government in our country that there are more redundancies and more people floating in the organs. Even the rural township organizations are no exception. How can we eliminate this chronic illness? In recent years, Enqiang County, Zaoqiang County, with its exploration of institutional reform and staff diversion, is a successful route. Enqiang County, Zaoqiang County is located in the Heilongjiang River Basin, poor natural and economic conditions, is a typical agriculture mainly township, the town of 23 villages, 14,800 people, 40,000 acres of arable land. It is such a small township, in early 1992 the township party committee and township government (at that time not yet built the town) organs of state cadres and workers 48 people. In March 1992, Li Yonghuai, a national model worker and outstanding peasant entrepreneur, served as secretary of the party committee of Enza. He knew very well about the state of the people in the township government. From the very beginning of his term of office, he was determined to reform the township institutions and to make his troops simple and streamlined so as to form an efficient and capable institution and work situation in Nacha Township as soon as possible. To this end, the township introduced the reform measures of institutional reform and personnel diversion. Out of the 12 deputy township-level cadres and 36 assistants in the township authorities, 8 cadres and 12 assistants were diverted and the personnel left behind were responsible for the division of labor Township work, and respectively with the township party committees, township government
视频教学法能够弥补传统教学方法的不足,创建快乐的学习情景,方便师生分析技术动作,有利于学生自我纠正错误动作,提高教学效率和教学质量。 Video teaching method can make
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本文结合文秘专业的应用文写作教学实践,探讨了高职应用文写作课程设计的理念与思路、教学内容的选取及教学模式等。 This article combines secretarial professional prac
我厂新到一台 DK3220型线切割机床,在使用过程中发现,由于丝架下边的导电轮及排丝轮的槽子很窄,又多在暗处,视线不太好,往往钼丝很不容易都挂在槽子内,经常出现钼丝跳槽现象