A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Versions of  Ode to the West Wind

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  Abstract:The article has analyzed two Chinese versions of Ode to the West Wind by Wang Zuoliang and Jiang Feng in aspect of retaining style, artistic conception, content, form and musicality, which offers self standard and evaluation to the poem translation.
  Key words:comparative study style artistic conception content form musicality
  1 Introduction to the poem
  Ode to the West Wind, a household-known poem, was written in 1819 by P.B. Shelly, when one evening he was encountered a sudden storm in a forest nearby Arno River outside Florence city. The poet saw the approaching storm, associated wild wind with revolution storm and felt it a kind of great power that could be a destroyer and preserver; he also considered himself as the wild wind-unrestrained, swift, and proud and fell upon the thorns of life, bleeding. The poem was soaked with strong emotion and great ideal of revolution and was filled with rich imagination and strict metrical rhythm. It becomes a masterpiece of Shelly and has long been read worldwide.
  2 Standard of poetry translation and comparative study of the poem Chinese versions
  2.1 Retaining artistic conception and style
  The translator should firstly transfer the original poet’s intension, namely, he is to capture the style, artistic conception, content of the original poem.
  It is universally acknowledged that every writer has a literary style and that his style is reflected in his writing. Alexander Fraser Tytler (1813) in his Essay on the Principles of Translation: "I would therefore describe a good translation to be that in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work."
  In addition, to retain its artistic conception and content is essential as well.
  Liu Zhongde, in his book Ten Lectures on Poetry Translation, points out "what is most important for a translator to do in translating a poetic work is to keep its original artistic conception and style."(Liu Zhongde, Problems of Translating Poems, 2000: 130)
  The following will compare the two versions translated by Wang Zuoliang and Jiang Feng.
  As a matter of fact, the two Chinese versions are faithful to the original poem in style and artistic mood as a whole, but they have a subtle distinction. In the first part, "breath of Autumn’s being" was translated into“秋之实体的气息” by Jiang Feng. It lacks the feeling of the motion of the powerful west wind and “实体” is a vigor conception as well. In comparison, Wang’s “你把秋气猛吹” is more faithful to the image, which also presents us a feeling of motions. The line “from whose unseen presence the leaves dead are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing” is also translated differently. Wang’s “不露脸便将落叶一扫而空,犹如法师赶走了群魔” vividly shows us the images of “unseen presence” and “ghost from an enchanter fleeing”, which also leaves us an impression of simplicity and vividness.
  In the second part, the author depicted a vivid picture of heaven shaken by the west wind. Wang’s “你激荡长空,乱云飞坠/ 如落叶;你摇撼天和海,不许它们像老树缠在一堆”, using subject-predicate sentence structure and presenting the motion and power of the wind; Jiang used two prepositional phases, “在你的川流上,在骚动的高空”showing us a stable condition, which can not offer us the feeling of power. Yet, Wang’s “不许它们像老树缠在一堆” is misleading in that: “the tangled boughs of Heaven and ocean” refers to the gathering scenery of Heaven and Ocean like tangled boughs.
  Reading the third part repeatedly we notice the two translations keep close to the original, yet they still have subtle diversities. Wang’s third line “听着波浪的催眠曲,睡意正浓” is his own creation. As for the “pumice isle in Baiae’s bay”, name of a place, it’s better to translate it in accordance with its sound, so Jiang’s “贝伊湾一座浮石岛外” which offers us a foreign taste. The most distinguished difference lies in the understanding and rendering of “in sleep old palace and towers”: is it real or imaginary? Wang rendered into a real scenery while Jiang rendered into “梦见了古代的楼台、塔堡和宫闱”, bringing us historical and mysterious feeling, which adds great romantic color and deep aesthetic effect to the poem.
  The fourth part shows a strong desire of the poet being a dead leaf, a swift cloud and a wave to fly with the west wind and share the impulse of it. Both versions basically remain its original meaning and tone. Jiang used a parallel structure beginning with “我若是”, offering a feeling of freshness and conciseness; Wang’s“如果我能是” is not so pleasant to eyes and ears. “and share/ The impulse of thy strength ” can not be translated literally; Jiang’s “分享你雄强的脉搏” is close to the original in meaning and expression. Wang rendered the third stanza into “我就能陪着你遨游天上/那时候追上你未必是梦呓/又何至沦落到这等颓丧”, especially the second line, presenting more poetic effect than Jiang’s “似乎超越你天界的神速也不为奇迹”, which is rather dull. The last line “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” was rendered into “我跌在人生的刺树上,我血流遍体!” by Wang, which doesn’t read like poetic lines and the latter is over translated. While Jiang’s “我倾覆于人生的荆棘!我在流血!” demonstrates the hardship and heavy tortures of heart and body of the poet and brings poetic touch to our sense.
  The last part expresses the great wishes of the poet to be the lyre and being united with the west wind, the fierce spirit, and gives a prediction: if winter comes, can spring be far behind? This reaches the climax of it. In Chinese literary critics “一切景语皆情语” meaning that all the words used to depict natural scenery are in fact to express human feeling. The fusion of emotion and scenery in poetry is highly valued in Chinese poetics. The poem features with it, in which the poet’s emotion is expressed implicitly. He compared himself to the west wind and wanted to awaken the whole world through his poem demonstrating great power of revolutionary emotion. As for the line "withered thoughts ",Wang’s“我的腐朽思想”,which leads to an imagination of special meaning in that special political period in China. Therefore, Jiang’s “我枯萎的思绪”, causes no distorted imagination. The last line, Wang’s “如果冬天已到,难道春天还用久等” , is equal to Jiang’s in meaning, while Jiang’s “如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?” gives a feeling of closeness and is known to household.
  2.2 Retaining the faithfulness in form
  In addition to faithfulness in meaning and artistic conception, retaining the original form plays a very important role, too. Liu Zhongde points out "Poems call for the beauty in form, sound and meaning. A translator of them should not be satisfied with mere conveying of the ideas in the original, but must strive for the reproduction of the original beauty. To achieve this, he ought to first of all, retain the original meaning and artistic conception and secondly, do his best to make his translation bear certain due form, rhythm, and rime when necessary"(ibid, 129) Therefore, to convey the original poetic line, rhythm, and rime is also an essential job in translation.
  The poem consists of five sonnets, which mixed Terza rima of Italian poetry: including its rime scheme being aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee; each line consists of five feet, belonging to iambic. The whole poem is filled with run-on lines and its sentence structure is strict but full of alteration, which best depicts the poet’s wild and uncontrollable emotion and fulfills the unity of content and form.
  As is said above, the original poem is filled with run-on lines and some even run across a stanza, expressing the wild and uncontrollable image of west wind. Run-on line is used in English poetry rather than in Chinese ones. (汉语的诗押韵总在句末,没有跨行,虽然也有含两句意义始足的例子,但依汉人心理仍然可以当作两句看待。冯建文,2001:216)
  In regard to this respect, Jiang used more run-on lines in his translation and also paid much attention to natural divisions of sentences, which as a whole makes the sentence pattern strict but full of alterations. It best transfers the original line form. On the contrary, Wang focused on smoothness and straightness of sentence, seldom using run-on lines, but it reads fluent and smooth. In comparison, the two adopted versions basically represent its original pattern in division of lines and stanzas, yet they still show their distinctive features.
  2.3 Of rime and rhythm
  The rime scheme of the poem is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee and alliteration is used as well, such as "wild west wind", "grow gray", "steep sky", etc. Both of Wang and Jiang’s versions are close to the original: the third and fifth parts of Wang’s and the first three parts of Jiang’s are equal to its original, rimed in aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee. However, neither of them uses alliteration, which is uneasy to convey.
  The poem is a pentameter with strict sentence pattern and orderly ups and downs. Both versions express their rhythms and musical effects. In comparison, Jiang’s keeps closer to the poem as a whole. His version is well-organized in dun and words number and its lines are equally designed, which read sometimes wild and open and sometimes like lower singing and whispering, offering sense of musical beauty. If you read the first stanza, you will notice its speed is slower than the original in that most of the lines consist of six dun, which gives us a sense of heaviness and thickness. On the other hand, Wang’s does not stick to the words of each line, yet it gives a feeling of conciseness and lightness. In comparison, Wang’s version as a whole is more like the original in retaining its rhythm for he basically uses five dun and some lines are made up of four dun, which is shorter and lighter, vividly depicting the spirit of swift and wild wind.
  3 Conclusion
  Through analysis above, both versions have advantages and disadvantages in retaining content and form. Jiang’s version keeps closer to the original: faithful but not rigid, strict but full of alterations in expression; Wang’s has some mistranslations and unharmonious collocation of slang, oral usages together with vigorous, solemn and free style, which somewhat spoils the quality of the translation.
[摘要]目前,高职院校大学生普遍存在着缺乏自信,文化基础和学习能力较差的特点。这也是学生在英语课堂上参与意识差,自学能力弱,课堂气氛沉闷的症结所在。解决这一问题的关键需要教师改变教学方法,帮助学生树立自信,根据高职学生的特点因材施教。本文从高职学生的特点入手,对教师如何培养学生自信,安排英语教学提出了几点建议。  [关键词]英语教学 学习现状 自信心     自信心是大学生良好心理素质和健康个性的
【摘 要】老师教育学生常用的教育方法是批评,而老师批评学生必须要讲究艺术。老师在批评学生前要做到有思考,在批评学生时要注意方法,批评学生后要加强沟通。这样,才能使学生心悦诚服地接受老师良好的教育。  【关键词】批评教育 犯错误 批评目的    一、批评前要做到有思考    1.思考学生犯错误时的真实情况  批评的前提是批评要实事求是。有的学生为逃避老师对他的“惩罚”,往往不承认自己的错误。也有学生
[摘要]目前,虽然高职院校学生就业率有所提高,但是工作的稳定性却比较差。这样,作为指导学生就业成才的教育工作便承受着较大的压力,并面临着较多的挑战。本文主要通过对我院部分已经毕业学生的工作情况的调查,分析高职院校学生就业成才教育的情况,并进行相应的对策思考。  [关键词]高职院校 就业 成才    高职教育培养面向生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的“下得去、留得住、用得上”,实践能力强且具有良好职
[摘要]高职学生大都存在着对专科课学习缺乏了解,对基础课学习认识不足的问题。在教学过程中,要创设团队协作的情境,使学生对学习语文产生兴趣;创设问题的情境,使学生思维活跃;创设师生变换角色的情境,使课堂气氛达到高潮。  [关键词]高职 语文教学 情境教学    情境教学就是在教学过程中教师依据课程教学目标和课文特点,有意识地创设一种环境,引导学生入境,从而使学生在具体情境中体会感悟、理解知识,以达到
【摘 要】书的价值在于满足人类求知和进步的需要。不同的历史时期人们有着不同的价值观,因此书的价值会随之发生变化。中国封建社会的书反映的是农耕经济的价值观,是为宗法社会和专制政治服务的。近代中国的书反映的是救亡图强的价值观,是为革命服务的。新中国建立之后,关于书的价值观几经变迁,从中我们可以把握社会发展的脉搏。  【关键词】书的价值 社会价值观念 圣贤之书 泰西之书 马列之书 人文与功利    一、
[摘要] 商业包装设计作为视觉传达设计专业高年级的主干课程,其在专业中的重要地位及与市场紧密结合的特性,要求教师在教学过程中必须充分地调动学生的主动性,积极地参与市场调研,在品牌策略定位的指导下,进行包装设计构思。笔者以商业包装设计教学为切入点,探讨如何设计教学细节,活化设计课堂,反思课堂教学组织问题。  [关键词] 包装设计 课堂教学 教学组织 活化课堂 商业设计    商业包装设计作为视觉传达
[摘要]机智是一种教育学上的机灵和天赋,它使教育者有可能将一个没有成效的、没有希望的,甚至有危害的情境转换成一个从教育意义上说积极的事件,机智在学生们的心灵上会留下痕迹。本文针对初中科学教学中常见问题对学生的心理影响做了较详尽的阐述,旨在引起我们科学教师的足够重视。  [关键词]科学教学 常见问题 学生心理发展 “我不知道”    根据一般的常识,教师应该是一个知识渊博的人。但并不是知识越渊博学生
[摘要] 为了达到“在班集体中,让每一位学生都能得到成长!在班集体中,融炼出一支支合作、竞争、团结、活泼的团队!在班集体中,人人有事干,事事有人干——人人都是小管家”的目的,采用“主观引领,客观开放”的教育管理法,是班主任工作的有效方法,它适用于小学四至六年级各阶段的学生,它以班级中各项活动为载体,包括“明理”,“选贤”,“立规”,“争岗”,竞选“我是劳动小能手”“我是时间小主人”“我是老師好帮手
[摘要] 福克纳是一个非常重视写作手法的试验和探索的现代主义作家。它的探索与创新是为了更准确地表现其作品的内容以及他对生活、對人、对世界的看法。他大量使用了并列对照、内心独白、意识流等表现手法,同时,他的语言还具有连续性和包容性的特点。  [关键词] 并列对照 内心独白 意识流 连续性 包容性    威廉福克纳是美国现代文学最重要的作家之一,曾获1949年度的诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典科学院院士葛斯达夫赫
【摘 要】在思想品德课的教学中,调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲是非常重要的。培养学生的学习兴趣是应讲究艺术性的。  【关键词】思想品德教育 培养 艺术    一、以景激趣——导入妙趣横生    良好的开端是成功的一半。任何一个优秀教师,必须是一个善于使学生对自己的课感兴趣,使自己课有吸引力的教师。精彩、有趣、活泼的导入不仅能使学生很快进入角色,积极投入到学习中来,而且能启发学生学习