
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouchaowenit
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要改革我国目前膳食结构中不合理的部分,单纯靠国家有关机构提出营养素供给量标准是不够的,因为它只有营养工作者才能够掌握,广大人民群众并不知道哪些食物吃多少量才能够满足这一标准。为此,需要根据我国国情制定国家膳食指导方针,并通过具体的实例,示范给广大人民群众。膳食指导方针与国民的健康更直接相关,它指导全国人民应该吃什么,什么食物应该吃多少,通过膳食营养来预防疾病,维持健康,延年益寿,其内容简明扼要,与每日所摄取的膳食有密切关系,所以更容易为广大人民所接受。目前,世界各国,尤其是发达国家的政府,都很重视国民营养。美国国会中设有营养委员会,制订与营养有关的政策和法规,并出版了作为膳食指导方针的“美国膳食目标”;日本在二次大战后制订了营养法,规定了营养师与营养士制度;瑞典是在全球第一个提出膳食指导方针的 To reform the unreasonable part of our current dietary structure, it is not enough to propose the standard of nutrient supply simply by the relevant state agencies because it can only be mastered by nutritionists. The majority of the people do not know what amount of food they eat This standard. To this end, we need to formulate the national diet guidelines according to China’s national conditions and, through concrete examples, demonstrate to the general public. The dietary guidelines are more directly related to the health of the people. They guide people across the country on what they should eat, what foods they should eat, prevent diseases through dietary nutrition, maintain their health and live longer and longer lives. The contents are concise and concise, Close relationship, so it is easier for the general public to accept. At present, all countries in the world, especially those in developed countries, attach great importance to national nutrition. The Diet of the United States has a nutrition committee to formulate nutrition-related policies and regulations and publishes the “Dietary Guidelines for the United States” as a dietary guideline; Japan developed the Nutrition Act after the Second World War to provide nutritionist and dietician systems Sweden is the first in the world to propose dietary guidelines
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