
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaosum
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2000年,我市发展乡镇企业的工作思路是:坚持一个指针,实现两个目标,明确一个主题,突出四个重点,强化八项措施。即以党的十五大和十五届三中、四中全会精神为指针,以推动全市国民经济增长和增加农民收入为目的,以加快乡镇企业发展为主题,以发展农业产业化龙头企业,县域特色产业,乡镇工贸小区和个体私营经济为重点,进一步调整结构,创新机制,依靠科技进步,加强企业管理,扩大对内对外开放,加快工贸小区和小城镇建设,实施六个十工程,强化自身建设,在保持适当发展速度的前题下,努力提高乡镇企业经济增长质量和整体水平。(一)坚定大发展信心。一是要认真贯彻落实各级党委、政府经济工作会议精神,充分认识乡镇企业在国民经济中的重要地位和作用,准确把握乡镇企业发展的新情况、新特点,统一思想认识,加大工作力度,树立再创新业、再快发展的信心和勇气,积极促进全市乡镇企业的第三轮大发展。二是加大对乡镇企业的宣传力度。组织新闻媒体,广泛宣传 In 2000, the working train of thought for developing township and village enterprises in our city is: adhere to a guideline, achieve two goals, define a single theme, highlight four key points and strengthen eight measures. That is, taking the spirit of the 15th CPC Central Committee, the 3rd and 4th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee as a guideline and the goal of accelerating the growth of the national economy and increasing the incomes of peasants in the city, with the theme of accelerating the development of township enterprises and developing the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, Focus on the characteristics of the county, township and village industrial and commercial areas and individual and private economy, further adjust the structure and innovation mechanism, rely on scientific and technological progress, strengthen enterprise management, expand domestic and foreign opening up, speed up the industrial and commercial communities and small towns, the implementation of six ten projects , Strengthen their own building and strive to improve the quality and overall level of economic growth of township and village enterprises under the premise of maintaining an appropriate pace of development. (A) Firmly develop confidence. First, we must conscientiously implement the spirit of the party committees and governments at all levels of economic work conference, fully understand the important role and functions of township and village enterprises in the national economy, accurately grasp the new situation and new features in the development of township and village enterprises, unify their thinking and intensify their efforts , Establish confidence and courage of re-creating new industries and re-developing rapidly, and actively promote the third-round development of township enterprises in the city. The second is to step up publicity efforts for township enterprises. Organization of the news media, widely publicized
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“此次就安排你作为本特工中心的代表去总部参加培训!现在名已报好,不得有误!”  这是老大的新命令,可袋貂拉斐尔听了却一个头两个大。昨晚它忙着去居民家里“拜访”(偷食),一不小心负了伤(被自己打翻的杂物砸到脚)。这下怎么办?拉斐尔灵机一动,便想到了好兄弟负鼠科里。  “老弟,拜托你替我出马吧!你看咱俩外形差不多,性格又接近,不会有人认出来的。”  科里见拉菲尔一副可怜样,便豪爽地答应了,可转而一想又