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长征的胜利是共产党人的伟大创举,是中国革命史上一幅无比壮丽的历史画卷.红军将士临危不惧,百折不挠,在很大程度上归功于党的思想政治工作的成功,崇高的理想与坚定的政治信念是红军将士排除万难的原动力.一、崇高的理想教育人.为革命的理想,为共产主义崇高的理想而奋斗,这是红军长征中克服一切困难的强大动力.党在最艰难的日子里也没有忽视对红军官兵的政治思想教育.以崇高的理想教育人,保证了人民军队的无产阶级性质.杨成武在《忆长征》中这样写道:“信念——对事业,对革命,对北上抗日路线的信心,对共产主义的远大理想……这个信念鼓舞着我们忍饥寒,以致献出自己宝贵的生命,而在所不借.”这充分说明,崇高的革命理想在红军将士中扎下了根.二、坚定的政治信念鼓舞人.红军长征 The victory of the Long March is a great undertaking by the Communists and an extremely magnificent historical picture in the history of the Chinese revolution. The Red Army, in no uncertain terms and indomitable spirit, owed much to the success of the party’s ideological and political work, lofty ideals and firm politics Faith is the driving force for the Red Army soldiers to eliminate all difficulties.An idealist educator.It is a powerful impetus to overcome all difficulties in the Long March of the Red Army for the ideal of revolution and for the lofty ideals of communism.The Party in the most difficult days Did not neglect the political and ideological education of the officers and soldiers of the Red Army and educated people with lofty ideals to ensure the proletariat’s nature of the people’s army. “Yang Chengwu wrote in his” Recall of the Long March “:” Faith - to the Cause, to the Revolution, to the North The confidence in the anti-Japanese route and the lofty ideal of communism ...... This conviction encouraged us to endure hunger and cold so as to dedicate our precious life to them. "This fully shows that lofty revolutionary ideals have taken root in the Red Army soldiers Second, the firm political conviction Encouraging people
清同治四年、五年,即1865、1866年,时任清政府海关总税务司的英国人赫德(Robert Hart,1835—1911),和时任英国驻华使馆参赞的威妥玛(Thomas F.Wade,1818—1895),先后向清政
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