Relationship between Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and occurrence of bronchial asthma

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lurenjia1983
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Objective: To study the relationship between Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) infection and asthma exacerbation. Methods: A prospective study of C. pneumoniae infection was conducted in 75 patients with asthma and 63 patients with respiratory tract infection, and 100 blood donors served as controls. The presence of infection was convinced by the polymerase chain reaction and direct immunofluorescence assay for C. pneumoniae DNA from throat swab specimens and micro-immunofluorescence testing for C. pneu-moniae-specific IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Results: Prevalence of specific IgG in asthma patients (81. 3%) was higher than that of the blood donors (68. 0%, P<0. 05) and was not significantly different from respiratory tract infection patients (68. 0%, P>0. 05). The acute C. pneumoniae infection rate of symptomatic asthma patients (59. 4%) was markedly higher than that of respiratory tract infection patients (34. 9% , P<0. 05). The average titer of C. pneumoniae IgG instead of IgA in asthma patients (48. Methods: A prospective study of C. pneumoniae infection was conducted in 75 patients with asthma and 63 patients with respiratory tract infection, and 100 blood donors served as controls. The presence of infection was convinced by the polymerase chain reaction and direct immunofluorescence assay for C. pneumoniae DNA from throat swab specimens and micro-immunofluorescence testing for C. pneu-moniae-specific IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Results: Prevalence of specific IgG in asthma patients (81.3%) was higher than that of the blood donors (68.0%, P <0.05) and was not significantly different from respiratory tract infection patients (68.0%, P> 0 . 05). The acute C. pneumoniae infection rate of symptomatic asthma patients (59.4%) was markedly higher than that of respiratory tract infection patients (34.9%, P <0.05). The average titer of C. pneumoniae IgG instead of IgA in asthma patients (48.
摘 要: 口语交际训练在整个小学阶段都很受重视,但是,说的能力的培养其实是要从幼儿时期开始的。本文从几方面谈谈培养幼儿的口语表达能力的方法。  关键词: 幼儿教育 口语交际训练 说的能力 培养方法  提到“说”,我们也许会想到苏秦的纵横舌辩、口若悬河;张仪的智略利口、驰辩骋说……“三寸之舌,强于百万雄兵;一人之辩,重于九鼎……”像政治家、外交家的折冲樽俎、机智辞令,律师、法官的征引论辩、利口词锋,
数学思想,就是对数学的知识内容和所使用的方法的本质认识,它是对某些具体数学认识过程的提炼和概括,数学思想的研究可以培养学生思维的 Mathematical thinking is the esse