
来源 :新课程学习(中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whbin139
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在新课程改革的推动下,素质教育取得了长足发展,思想品德课课堂教学模式也发生了根本的变化。如何激发学生学习兴趣,让学生积极主动来学习思想品德课,提高思想品德课堂教学的效果,笔者认为应做到以下三个注重。一、注重了解学生,增强课堂教学的针对性根据新课程“以人为本”和建立“平等、民主、和谐的新型师生关系”的思想,思想品德课教师,应彻底摒弃师道尊严,放下架子,深入到学生中间去,和学生交朋友,跟学生打成一片,不仅要做到对所教的学生耳熟能详,了解他们的所思所想,更要对每个学生 Under the impetus of the new curriculum reform, quality education has made great strides and the ideological and moral class classroom teaching mode has undergone fundamental changes. How to stimulate students’ interest in learning, make students take the initiative to learn the ideological and moral lessons, improve the effect of ideological and moral classroom teaching, I believe that the following three should be done. First, pay attention to understanding students, and enhance the teaching targeted According to the new curriculum “people-oriented ” and the establishment of “equality, democracy and harmony of the new teacher-student relationship ” ideological and moral character teachers should completely abandon the dignity , Put down the shelf, go deep into the middle of the students to make friends with the students, with the students into one, not only to be familiar with the students taught, understand what they think, but also for each student
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一天清晨,我正在睡梦中,忽然被一阵伤心的哭声惊醒了,我马上下了床,穿上衣服,随着哭声来到河边。原来是小河在哭,我问:“小河,你为什么哭 One morning, I was asleep, sudde
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建立了叶片振动特性对相关参数的敏感度数学模型 ,给出了各相关参数对叶片振动频率影响的定量表达式 .提出了叶片频率优化问题的数学模型 ,并对单目标频率优化和多目标频率优
本文结合《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ/T16-92中对BAS的规定和实际工作经验,对BA系统监控范围、系统网络与硬件配置等方面进行了讨论,提出一些建议。 This article discusses the monitoring