Effect and mechanism of miR-34a on proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of laryngeal carcinoma cell

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houyangpeng
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Objective: To discuss the effect and mechanism of miR-34 a on the proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of laryngeal carcinoma cells. Methods: The laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells were transiently transfected with miR-34 a mimics and miR-34 a NC. The MTT, colony-forming assay, Hoechst staining and Annexin V-PI double staining flow cytometry were employed to detect the effect of miR-34 a on the viability and apoptosis of laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells; Transwell assay to defect the effect of miR-34 a on the migration and invasion of laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells; western blot and RTPCR assay to defect the effect of miR-34 a mimics on the expression of survivin and Ki-67 m RNA in laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells. Results: Compared with miR-34 a NC group, the cell viability in miR-34 mimics group was significantly decreased(P<0.01), the cell apoptosis rate was significantly increased(P<0.01), the abilities of cell migration and invasion were significantly reduced(P<0.01) and the expression of survivin and Ki-67 m RNA was significantly decreased(P<0.01). Conclusions: The increased expression of miR-34 a can induce the apoptosis of Hep2 laryngeal carcinoma cells and inhibit the cell proliferation and invasion, which is related to the down-regulated expression of survivin and Ki-67. Objective: To discuss the effect and mechanism of miR-34 a on the proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of laryngeal carcinoma cells. Methods: The laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells were transiently transfected with miR-34 a mimics and miR-34 a NC. The MTT, colony-forming assay, Hoechst staining and Annexin V-PI double staining flow cytometry were employed to detect the effect of miR-34 a on the viability and apoptosis of laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells; Transwell assay to defect the effect of miR- 34 a on the migration and invasion of laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells; western blot and RTPCR assay to defect the effect of miR-34 a mimics on the expression of survivin and Ki-67 m RNA in laryngeal squamous carcinoma Hep2 cells. Results: Compared: the cell viability in miR-34 mimics group was significantly decreased (P <0.01), the cell changes were significantly increased (P <0.01), the abilities of cell migration and invasion were significantly reduced (P <0.01) and the expression of survivin and Ki-67 m RNA was significantly decreased (P <0.01). Conclusions: The increased expression of miR-34 a can induce the apoptosis of Hep2 laryngeal carcinoma cells and inhibit the cell proliferation and invasion, which is related to the down-regulated expression of survivin and Ki-67.
<正> 本书是一部论文集,收入1990—1994年间的有关论文42篇,按理论和方法、语音、语义、词语、句子与篇章、修辞与语用、文化7个专题分类。1990年,编者与杨自俭先生曾合编过《英汉对比研究论文集》(上海外语教育出版社),本书是该文集的续作。书后附有“英汉对比研究著述要目”(1979—1994)和“英汉对比研究主要论文索引”(1990—1994)。
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