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作者将着眼点主要落于欣蒂卡关于哲学是什么和哲学做什么的总体概念,以及哲学史与哲学实践和方法之间的关系这个棘手的问题;同时更加详细地审视他对于20世纪的某些哲学运动,尤其是解释学、现象学,以及逻辑实证主义的描述。在回应欣蒂卡对专业哲学危机——无论就其总体的方法论而言还是就其自我意象而言——的评估时,作者认为,他所描述的分裂和碎化境况或许在实践哲学领域更加明显可见。作者赞同欣蒂卡的担忧,即强调哲学的应用(比如“应用伦理学”)可能会脱离哲学的核心事业。作者认为,20世纪哲学是在康德和先验哲学的阴影下发展的。我们继续生活在关键性的转折中。但是,我们也生活在尤其是后期维特根斯坦开启的概念世界中,在这个世界中只不过有着不同的生活形式和许多我们所有人都感兴趣的语言游戏。多元主义是一个新的哲学所予,作为严格科学的哲学必须适应新的景观。作者指出,重要的是要承认我们这个时代的哲学的全球性质。如果我们不接受那种认为哲学严格地来讲是指希腊哲学的观点,那么哲学在不同的国家意味着不同的东西。我们需要考虑其他文化的智慧传统并且反思我们自己的文化的智慧传统。对于哲学的下一个巨大挑战会成为真正国际性的;这将涉及大量的解释学挑战。虽然西方科学目前是一种全球现象,但是不同的文化显然仍旧具有截然不同的和适应力很强的知识体系和进路,需要加以进一步的研究和反思。这是哲学的真正未来所在。 The author focuses mainly on the thorny issue of Hintikka’s general concept of what philosophy is and what philosophy does and the relationship between philosophical history and philosophical practice and methodologies; at the same time he examines in more detail his account of the 20th century Some philosophical movements, especially hermeneutics, phenomenology, and the description of logical positivism. In response to Hintikka’s assessment of the philosophical crisis of profession, both in terms of his overall methodology and his self-image, the author argues that what he described as the circumstances of fragmentation and fragmentation may be more apparent in the field of practical philosophy visible. The authors agree with Hintikka’s concern that emphasizing the application of philosophy (such as “Applied Ethics”) may be detached from the core of philosophy. The author believes that 20th century philosophy developed under the shadow of Kant and transcendental philosophy. We continue to live in a crucial turning point. But we also live in a concept world opened especially in the later period of Wittgenstein, in which only different forms of life and many language games are of interest to us all. Pluralism is given by a new philosophy, and philosophy as a strict science must adapt to the new landscape. The author points out that it is important to recognize the global nature of the philosophy of our time. If we do not accept the idea that philosophy, strictly speaking, refers to Greek philosophy, then philosophy in different countries means something different. We need to think about the intellectual traditions of other cultures and reflect on the intellectual tradition of our own culture. The next great challenge to philosophy will be truly international; it will involve a great deal of hermeneutical challenge. Although Western science is currently a global phenomenon, it is clear that different cultures still have distinct and adaptable knowledge systems and approaches that require further research and reflection. This is the true future of philosophy.
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