Risk factors affecting the mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus: a meta analysis

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:2km
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Objective:To search for risk factors that affect mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Methods: To obtain studies eligible for meta-analysis, China biological medicine discs and MEDLINE citations were surveyed. Mother HBV DNA or HBeAg positivity, neonate HBeAg positivity, mode of delivery, threatened abortion and threatened premature labor were processed with meta analysis. Criteria for selection of published studies for meta analysis were based on principle by Abdolmaleky HM[1]. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated and summarized by fixed effect model or random-effects model using RevMan software. The heterogeneity of the group of ORs was assessed using an x2 test. The significance of the pooled OR was determined by the u-test. The strength of association was assessed using the OR. An OR>1. 0 indicated a positive association between the risk factor and neonate HBV infection. Results: After meta analysis of factors concerned, a significant association was found between the positivity of HBeAg in mother and neonate, of HBV DNA in mother peripheral serum, and HBV mother-to-infant transmission, with a pooled OR equal to 19.43 (95% CI=8. 77-43. 06), 36.5 (95% 01=19.85-67.11), and 36. 5 (95% CI=19. 85-67. 11) respectively. Mode of delivery, threatened abortion and threatened premature labor proved not to be of risk factors on the mother-to-infant transmission of HBV. Conclusion: Mother HBV DNA or HBeAg positivity and neonate HBeAg positivity were proved to be of risk factors affecting the transmission of HBV from mother to fetal. Objective: To search for risk factors that affect mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Methods: To obtain studies eligible for meta-analysis, China biological medicine discs and MEDLINE citations were surveyed. Mother HBV DNA or HBeAg positivity , neonate HBeAg positivity, mode of delivery, threatened abortion and threatened premature labor were processed with meta analysis. Criteria for selection of published studies for meta analysis were based on principle by Abdolmaleky HM [1]. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated and summarized by fixed effect model or random-effects model using RevMan software. The heterogeneity of the group of ORs was assessed using an x2 test. The significance of the pooled OR was determined by the u-test. The strength of association was assessed using the OR . An OR> 1.0 indicated a positive association between the risk factor and neonate HBV infection. Results: After meta analysis of factors concerned, a significant association was found between th e positivity of HBeAg in mother and neonate, of HBV DNA in mother peripheral serum, and HBV mother-to-infant transmission, with a pooled OR equal to 19.43 (95% CI = 8.7-43.06), 36.5 % 01 = 19.85-67.11), and 36. 5 (95% CI = 19. 85-67. 11) respectively. Mode of delivery, threatened abortion and threatened premature labor proved not to be of risk factors on the mother-to- infant transmission of HBV. Conclusion: Mother HBV DNA or HBeAg positivity and neonate HBeAg positivity were proved to be of risk factors affecting the transmission of HBV from mother to fetal.
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