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住在寂静岭附近城镇Ashfield的亨利一觉醒来突然发现自己被困于自己所住的302室,铁链和巨大的锁将他与外部世界切断,电话和电视也不能用,而和外界的唯一联系,就是门上的猫眼。亨利向外呼救,但没有人感知到他的存在。在亨利住处厕所的墙上突然出现一个大洞,这个大洞似乎是通向另一个世界的门。在大洞那边,亨利每一次都遇到不同的人,不同的事,然后会发现自己突然在自己的床上醒来,在洞的那一边世界,每一个人相继死去,每一次都有一个小孩在旁边。当亨利回到真实的世界的时候,一切重新上演,但他无法阻止悲剧的发生。随着不断的探索,亨利得知了一个事实:十年前,在临近的城镇“寂静岭”发生过一起连环凶杀案,凶手是一个名叫沃尔特的男子,他似乎想完成什么邪恶的宗教仪式。十天内他用不同的方式杀掉了十个不同的人,取走其心脏的同时,在死者身上留下了不同的神秘数字,并且在尸体上留下了他自己的名字。沃尔特在杀掉一双兄妹后被警方逮捕,次日,此人用汤匙捅破自己颈部动脉自杀。沃尔特自杀后七年,又发生了类似的杀人案件,而亨利在那边世界所看到的事件,在杀人手法上和这个事件有惊人的一致。亨利慢慢揭开了事件的真相…… As soon as he woke up in Ashfield, a town near Silent Hill, he suddenly found himself trapped in Room 302, where he lived, with iron chains and huge locks that cut him off from the outside world, and the telephone and the television could not be used Contact is the cat’s eye on the door. Henry called out for help, but no one sensed his existence. A big hole suddenly appeared in the wall of Henry’s restroom, which seemed to be the gateway to another world. On the other side of the Great Wall, Henry encountered different people and different things every time, and then he found himself suddenly awake in his own bed, each of whom died one after another in the world on the side of the cave Beside. When Henry returned to the real world, everything re-staged, but he could not stop the tragedy. With constant exploration, Henry learned of the fact that a series of murders occurred ten years ago in the neighboring town of Silent Hill, a man named Walter who seemed to want to accomplish something evil Religious ceremony. Within ten days he killed ten different people in different ways, removed his heart, left a different mysterious figure on the dead and left his own name on the body. Walter was arrested by the police after killing a brother and sister. On the next day, the man pierced his neck artery with a spoon and committed suicide. Seven years after Walter committed suicide, a similar case of murder took place, and the events Henry saw over the world there were astonishingly consistent with the murder tactics. Henry slowly unveiled the truth of the incident ...
美丽的浦江、翻腾的浪花、轰鸣的马达、飞驰的摩托艇……炎炎夏日,来自意大利、美国、法国等7个国家的24艘F1摩托艇激情演绎上海外滩段黄浦江江面。这是继 1995年杭州,1996年
表面谦和的他能使康佳成为一个有野心的整合者吗? Can he make Konka an ambitious integrator with a modest face?
结合漫湾电站发电视SF250-48/12200的通风系统,建立了通风计算的网络模型;并应用函数民阻法,进行了实际通风计算,与实测结果相比,计算结果符合工程实际. Combined with the ventilat