改善办园条件 优化育人环境

来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:realg007
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一个良好的环境能给幼儿提供观察、思考、动手、表现能力的条件,促进幼儿的社会化,陶冶幼儿的情操,发展幼儿的智能,使幼儿的身心在潜移默化中得到健康发展。基于以上共识,近几年来,我园全体教工构思了优化育人环境的蓝图,从以下四个方面落实措施。扩建园舍,创设宽敞、舒适的生活环境幼儿园是幼儿的第二家庭,要使它成为真正的幼儿乐园,就必须有宽敞美观的园舍,舒适的生活环境。近十年来,我园兴建起现代化综合教学大楼,建筑面积2104平方米,兴建教学辅助用房15间。在兴建园舍的同时,我们加固围墙,把园的大门从南向闹市转移到西向居民区。并在四周植树,在旷地育草。形成了园舍巍然耸立,绿树成荫,嫩草如茵 A good environment can provide young children with the conditions of observation, thinking, hands-on performance and performance, promote the socialization of young children, cultivate the sentiments of young children, and develop the intelligence of young children so that young children’s physical and mental health can develop in a subtle way. Based on the above consensus, in recent years, all teachers in our garden have conceived a blueprint for optimizing the educational environment and have implemented the measures in the following four aspects. Expansion of the park to create a spacious and comfortable living environment Kindergarten is the second family of young children, to make it a true Kindergarten paradise, you must have a spacious and beautiful garden, a comfortable living environment. In the past ten years, I Park to build a modern integrated teaching building, construction area of ​​2104 square meters, construction of teaching aids 15. While building the park, we reinforce the fence and move the gate of the park from the south to the downtown to the west. And planted around the trees, grass in the open area. The formation of the towering towering buildings, tree-lined, tender grass
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一、多读书,锤炼自我的必不可少的途径 大凡成功的青年企业经营管理者,都与学习有缘,与书籍做伴,与知识并行。要自觉坚持理论联系实际、学与用、知与行、说与做相统一的优良
我喜欢孙悟空,因为他的本领高强,七十二变、上天、入地、下海,样样精通。他的金箍棒可神奇啦,说大就大,说小就小,又称“如意金箍棒”。一棒下去准让妖怪跪地求饶。 I like t